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Old 03-14-2014, 01:14 AM
Ryancw Ryancw is offline
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Default 95gal Shallow reef build

here we go.... first build thread as well as first ever salt water tank that isn't an AIO. im pretty excited to say the least.

I've been around aquariums all of my life but it wasn't up until 3 years ago when i tried salt. i was a complete newb and picked up a fluval edge to try and take a stab at it... I realized very quickly how difficult the hobby was, not to mention the tank had its challenges. I moved on from there to a Innovative marine 16gallon and ran it fairly successfully for about a year and a half up until my RBTA made its way into the powerhead while i was at work and completely crashed the whole tank by the time i got home. I remember the smell in the basement to this day.

Now onto the build-
I Just moved into my first home In December and figured it was time. so, after a ton of deliberation i decided to go for it. Currently being built now at concept is my 60x20x18 95 gallon display and 40 gallon 36x17x15 sump. I already have the stand that im going to be skinning with a walnut veneer i acquired free from work. A strip of the veneer will also go wall to wall above the tank to hide the lights im thinking... and maybe further down the road a shelf up either side of the tank since the location is wider than the tank. it will be going in a nook of the dinning room, viewable from both the kitchen and living room.

below is the location and a shot of the wood for the bottom-

the growing equipment list...

-60x20x40h steel stand w/ light rail skinned with walnut veneer
-60x20x18h, back left internal overflow, starphire front, polished and eurobraced
-36x17x15 sump with filtersock chamber, skimmer, return, fuge and ATO
- Bubble magus curve 7 skimmer
- Smart ATO
- Apex Lab grade
- 1x Ecotech MP40
- 2 or 3x Radions
- ehiem 1262 return
-Aquasafe RODI w/ auto shutoff
-more to add,2 media reactors one for carbon and one for GFO but not sure wether to go with the TLF reactors or the BRS dual reactor and if ill run them off there own pump or manifold my return.

fish stocking list most likely subject to change-
1 - yellow tang
2 - designer clowns
2- bangaii cardinal
2-3 - anthias
1 - spotted mandarin once the system matures
1- bicolor or lawnmower blennie
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Old 03-14-2014, 02:29 AM
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Old 03-14-2014, 02:48 AM
badAZZlars badAZZlars is offline
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I like the dimensions. I've got a 72X22X18.
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Old 03-14-2014, 04:05 AM
Ryancw Ryancw is offline
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yeah im pretty happy with the size i went with. i originally picked up a 60x20x24h but wanted to go shallow instead so i ended up selling the tank and modding the stand higher to get the tank up at a better viewing height.

i wanted to get the tank level up to 40 from 30" and mod the rail for the lights so it was adjustable.. the tank will be sitting on laminate flooring so why not create a space underneath where i can hopefully clean up spills so im not left with too much damage to the floors in the future. the sump and all will now sit 9" off the floor and help out with head pressure on the return line. I just got the stand back tonight so i played around and mocked up the wooden panels, it goes for powdercoating this weekend.

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Old 04-01-2014, 03:07 AM
Ryancw Ryancw is offline
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little update-
Should be getting the tank this week from concept im hoping, so i spent the weekend scuffing up the stand and coating it in truck bed-liner... After all the searching around to Line X and powdercoating shops i came to the conclusion I'm far too cheap to drop 3-400 bucks on coating the stand when I'd much rather spend that on equipment. I made a trip to crappy tire and picked up the Duplicolor bed liner kit and saved a few bucks. it turned out great so I'm interested to see how it holds up. (stands upside-down in pic)

next up is gathering all my plumbing - who here on canreef is a plumbing geek??
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Old 06-24-2014, 11:07 PM
Ryancw Ryancw is offline
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so, its been a while since my last update a fair ammount has happened despite being extremely busy with work. Its been up and running for 4 weeks now and im through the cycle. in the tank is 50lbs fiji from Eli and seeded with another ~5lbs live rock.

changed up the lighting plan alittle and went more industrial looking to avoid seeing the steel frame hanger... so i brought a bit of material home from work and went at it

and my first FTS

first fish and a few pieces of coral later this week and will update again.

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Old 06-25-2014, 12:46 AM
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Nice work!
Current tank---125 gallon mixed reef 60 gallon sump, Reef octopus nw200 skimmer, Rapid LEDs, Maxspec gyre, Mp10s, Fuge, Biweekly 20% WC, QT everything
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Old 06-25-2014, 02:48 PM
Ryancw Ryancw is offline
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Thanks, the aircraft cable sags a little with the weight of the radions and I'm sketchy on tightening it anymore to pull them up. The black strut on either side is lag bolted into studs but I have this scary image in my head of coming home to two radions added to my aquascape after the crimps on the cable give way so it may just stay the way it is. The nice part about having them hung the way they are is when I have any work to do in the tank both lights can slide along the cable out of my way and then back when I'm done.
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Old 06-25-2014, 03:49 PM
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Very nice build. I like what you did with the cable hanging system for the lights, even if they do sag a bit.
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

62G Starfire Reef. Started Jan 2013
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Old 06-25-2014, 03:49 PM
hillegom hillegom is offline
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I like your innovative high line design.
If you are worried about your crimps, double up on them. Looks like you have room.
The can-truss will hold up for sure, lagged into 2x4's
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