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Old 03-19-2011, 03:21 AM
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Default Acan Plus

I am not a company. I am a hobbyist.

That makes a big difference. A company's way of doing things would be to use
the cheapest ingredients possible and stretch it with fillers, so they can
make the biggest profit.

I do this because my love for LPS corals, espeically my acans. I don't make
coral food for the money. In fact I do not make any money off selling this
food. Whatever I make goes back into buying the ingredients. I don't get
paid for the labour, time and effort that goes into the production of the
My personal goal is, and always will be, to make the highest quality food to
promote the greatest amount of growth and just have healthy beautiful corals
PERIOD. I believe the growth and size of my corals speak for themselves.

I am not going to BS anybody by using cheesy marketing slogans or promote my
food using words like "roids", "ultra" and "ultimate". I am not a wrestling
promoter, you know...
Or showing a video of dropping a pellet onto an "Ultra Acan". I can drop any
kind of pellet on an Acan and of course it will eventually eat it. That does
not say much about the quality of the food and how it will promote the
health and growth of your corals. But isn't that the whole point in feeding your corals?

Certain people endorsing Fauna Marin should get their facts straight. Acan
Plus is NOT a "simple cocktail of other already marketed products". I should
know, because like all coral owners, I used to try all those products in a
desperate attempt to keep my corals healthy, but only with poor results.
That's when I decided to do some research and make my own coral food from scratch.

There is nothing "simple" about my food. It takes me an average of 6 hours
to make 12 bottles of Acan Plus. There are over 10 different ingredients in
Acan Plus (soon will be 13 as I am working on a new formula).
It took me a long time to find out what the corals prefer to eat, which
ingredient entices them or stimulates their growth.
I also only use the highest quality ingredients available. For the record
there is NO Artemia, NO Zooplankton or Phytoplankton powder in Acan Plus. Most
coral products contain these because they are cheap fillers.

Somebody said "ANYTHING could be in there."
Wrong. I don't just put anything in my food. Every single ingredient has been
tested extensively for its nutritional value to promote the greatest amount
of growth. Keep in mind that I put the same food I'm selling into my own
tank every day and I am definitely not putting "just anything" in there.

I have been working on this food for years now. I do not disclose anything
on how I process and make the food, because I am not giving big companies
like Fauna Marin tips on how to copy me.
I have already seen Fauna Marin referring to their new acan food as "Ultra
Acan Plus" and using my description and text almost word for word.
Should I just hand them my recipe as well?

Last edited by JMes; 03-19-2011 at 03:30 AM.
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Old 03-19-2011, 03:31 AM
Red Coral Aquariums Red Coral Aquariums is offline
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Originally Posted by JMes View Post
I am not a company. I am a hobbyist.

That makes a big difference. A company's way of doing things would be to use
the cheapest ingredients possible and stretch it with fillers, so they can
make the biggest profit.

I do this because my love for LPS corals, espeically my acans. I don't make
coral food for the money. In fact I do not make any money off selling this
food. Whatever I make goes back into buying the ingredients. I don't get
paid for the labour, time and effort that goes into the production of the
My personal goal is, and always will be, to make the highest quality food to
promote the greatest amount of growth and just have healthy beautiful corals
PERIOD. I believe the growth and size of my corals speak for themselves.

I am not going to BS anybody by using cheesy marketing slogans or promote my
food using words like "roids", "ultra" and "ultimate". I am not a wrestling
promoter, you know...
Or showing a video of dropping a pellet onto an "Ultra Acan". I can drop any
kind of pellet on an Acan and of course it will eventually eat it. That does
not say much about the quality of the food and how it will promote the
health and growth of your corals. But isn't that the whole point in feeding your corals?

Certain people endorsing Fauna Marin should get their facts straight. Acan
Plus is NOT a "simple cocktail of other already marketed products". I should
know, because like all coral owners, I used to try all those products in a
desperate attempt to keep my corals healthy, but only with poor results.
That's when I decided to do some research and make my own coral food from scratch.

There is nothing "simple" about my food. It takes me an average of 6 hours
to make 12 bottles of Acan Plus. There are over 10 different ingredients in
Acan Plus (soon will be 13 as I am working on a new formula).
It took me a long time to find out what the corals prefer to eat, which
ingredient entices them or stimulates their growth.
I also only use the highest quality ingredients available. For the record
there is NO Artemia, NO Zooplankton or Phytoplankton powder in Acan Plus. Most
coral products contain these because they are cheap fillers.

Somebody said "ANYTHING could be in there."
Wrong. I don't just put anything in there. Every single ingredient has been
tested extensively for its nutritional value to promote the greatest amount
of growth. Keep in mind that I put the same food that I sell into my own
tank every day and I am definitely not putting "just anything" in there.

I have been working on this food for years now. I do not disclose anything
on how I process and make the food, because I am not giving big companies
like Fauna Marin tips on how to copy me.
I have already seen Fauna Marin referring to their new acan food as "Ultra
Acan Plus" and using my description and text almost word for word.
Should I just hand them my recipe as well?
Jason you have worked hard on this. It is an incredible product and I am proud to promote it.
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Old 03-19-2011, 03:40 AM
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I myself would prefer to use a product that is made locally and by a fellow reefer. You have work very hard on this and you should be proud of your accomplishments. Keep up the good work Jason.

There will be many people out there that are going to be skeptical because they don't know what it is made of but can we say that we know EXACTLY what is in some of the brand name store bought foods made by big Corps, I think not.
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Old 03-19-2011, 04:23 AM
RedCoralOnlineStore RedCoralOnlineStore is offline
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You have an incredible product that I stand behind personally 100%! I use your Acan Plus for my LPS at home. Be Proud!
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Old 03-19-2011, 05:51 AM
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Cant we all just get along.

I use your product in my tank and have seen great results with it. I have used Fauna Marin and seen the same results as well. Both good products and its nice to see it locally made.

The problem I have with your write up is this. In one breath you say your not in it for the money.
"My personal goal is, and always will be, to make the highest quality food to
promote the greatest amount of growth and just have healthy beautiful corals
PERIOD. I believe the growth and size of my corals speak for themselves."

Yet in another breath you complain about another company trying to copy your product. Of course its going to happen. You think Mr. Ford didnt see it coming with the automobile?

Personally I enjoy sharing information with other hobbyists whether they be someones private tank or major company. It only benefits the hobby when people share their experience, what works for them, what doesnt and so on. Its only when people try to hide what has been working from everyone else that this hobby with fall. Unfortunately I am seeing more and more of it as time goes on. I am not saying go hand your recipe paper out to Fauna or any other company, you have already done that by make your product available to the public.

IMO you should be proud a big company like Fauna Marin sees you as such a big threat they need to try to use your product to sell theirs. Acan Plus has seen such great results with just word of mouth along with posts here from buyers. Why not just enjoy your success instead of complaining?

Not to mention a little competition keeps businesses honest. Put out a good product for a good price and you will reap the rewards. I am sure you know this already with Acan Plus.

Now if this is a shot at someone or someones company maybe you need to take your drama off canreef. We have seen enough of it in the past year to get our fill.
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Old 03-19-2011, 06:01 AM
shiver905 shiver905 is offline
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Id be in,

Knowing a hobbyist made something with their own time is a huge bonus.

I try to buy all by fish "second hand" instead of mass importing form dealers. Just because the lack on control and quality.

Hobbyist take there time and care of their fish.
Stores and retailers dont. I dont want to sound harsh, I do respect the fact people have to make $.

Now relating this back to this home made coral food. Manufactures need to make some money. They use fillers weird additives..ect..
Anything that is mass marketed start to loose their quality. (BTW i dont want to start an argument, This is all just My oppnion)

If this homegrown goodness
Id love to try some,
Where do I get this and will it ship to ontario?
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Old 03-19-2011, 06:46 AM
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Your being struck with criticism because your circumventing scientific method, what else would you expect besides resistance?

I hate to be critical but I'm confused at the nature of your post, are you trying to inform me about your product or bash the competition? Or both?? (Whats wrong with just getting along?)

Making statements like this:
Wrong. I don't just put anything in my food. Every single ingredient has been
tested extensively for its nutritional value to promote the greatest amount
of growth. Keep in mind that I put the same food I'm selling into my own
tank every day and I am definitely not putting "just anything" in there.
Drive me CRAZY! You're sitting there telling me your food is the best and I should trust you because your test's say so but you won't share your bloody tests! What is "extensive testing" and would you please also elaborate when you state:
It took me a long time to find out what the corals prefer to eat, which
ingredient entices them or stimulates their growth.
If you want Acan+ to stand out from the rest it's going to require some transparency and your current excuse for a blank ingredient list isn't cutting it. If Fauna Marine truly wants to steal your ingredient list let them, you already stated you don't do this for the money so clearly they can't compete with your prices.
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Old 03-19-2011, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Cant we all just get along.

I use your product in my tank and have seen great results with it. I have used Fauna Marin and seen the same results as well. Both good products and its nice to see it locally made.

The problem I have with your write up is this. In one breath you say your not in it for the money.
"My personal goal is, and always will be, to make the highest quality food to
promote the greatest amount of growth and just have healthy beautiful corals
PERIOD. I believe the growth and size of my corals speak for themselves."

Yet in another breath you complain about another company trying to copy your product. Of course its going to happen. You think Mr. Ford didnt see it coming with the automobile?

Personally I enjoy sharing information with other hobbyists whether they be someones private tank or major company. It only benefits the hobby when people share their experience, what works for them, what doesnt and so on. Its only when people try to hide what has been working from everyone else that this hobby with fall. Unfortunately I am seeing more and more of it as time goes on. I am not saying go hand your recipe paper out to Fauna or any other company, you have already done that by make your product available to the public.

IMO you should be proud a big company like Fauna Marin sees you as such a big threat they need to try to use your product to sell theirs. Acan Plus has seen such great results with just word of mouth along with posts here from buyers. Why not just enjoy your success instead of complaining?

Not to mention a little competition keeps businesses honest. Put out a good product for a good price and you will reap the rewards. I am sure you know this already with Acan Plus.

Now if this is a shot at someone or someones company maybe you need to take your drama off canreef. We have seen enough of it in the past year to get our fill.
I think you are just Bitching for the hell of it Ryan, one minute that you are talking about Drama and you have seen enough of it this year. Now you are starting Drama with your Post. give it a rest.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 03-19-2011, 06:10 PM
Aquaria Aquaria is offline
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Cant we all just get along.

I use your product in my tank and have seen great results with it. I have used Fauna Marin and seen the same results as well. Both good products and its nice to see it locally made.

The problem I have with your write up is this. In one breath you say your not in it for the money.
"My personal goal is, and always will be, to make the highest quality food to
promote the greatest amount of growth and just have healthy beautiful corals
PERIOD. I believe the growth and size of my corals speak for themselves."

Yet in another breath you complain about another company trying to copy your product. Of course its going to happen. You think Mr. Ford didnt see it coming with the automobile?

Personally I enjoy sharing information with other hobbyists whether they be someones private tank or major company. It only benefits the hobby when people share their experience, what works for them, what doesnt and so on. Its only when people try to hide what has been working from everyone else that this hobby with fall. Unfortunately I am seeing more and more of it as time goes on. I am not saying go hand your recipe paper out to Fauna or any other company, you have already done that by make your product available to the public.

IMO you should be proud a big company like Fauna Marin sees you as such a big threat they need to try to use your product to sell theirs. Acan Plus has seen such great results with just word of mouth along with posts here from buyers. Why not just enjoy your success instead of complaining?

Not to mention a little competition keeps businesses honest. Put out a good product for a good price and you will reap the rewards. I am sure you know this already with Acan Plus.

Now if this is a shot at someone or someones company maybe you need to take your drama off canreef. We have seen enough of it in the past year to get our fill.
First off when a big company takes an intrest in a small company it almost always ends with said small company closing there doors. people are not after healthly competition they want A monopoly and when a company can produce a similar product at half the cost because of them having access to ingredients(at a huge discount of course)and being able to mass produce means u can get said product for half the price js product prob is
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Last edited by Aquaria; 03-19-2011 at 06:17 PM. Reason: Last part sounded wrong I'm not promoting his product as iv never used it I just believe in buying local
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Old 03-23-2011, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Cant we all just get along.

I use your product in my tank and have seen great results with it. I have used Fauna Marin and seen the same results as well. Both good products and its nice to see it locally made.

The problem I have with your write up is this. In one breath you say your not in it for the money.
"My personal goal is, and always will be, to make the highest quality food to
promote the greatest amount of growth and just have healthy beautiful corals
PERIOD. I believe the growth and size of my corals speak for themselves."

Yet in another breath you complain about another company trying to copy your product. Of course its going to happen. You think Mr. Ford didnt see it coming with the automobile?

Personally I enjoy sharing information with other hobbyists whether they be someones private tank or major company. It only benefits the hobby when people share their experience, what works for them, what doesnt and so on. Its only when people try to hide what has been working from everyone else that this hobby with fall. Unfortunately I am seeing more and more of it as time goes on. I am not saying go hand your recipe paper out to Fauna or any other company, you have already done that by make your product available to the public.

IMO you should be proud a big company like Fauna Marin sees you as such a big threat they need to try to use your product to sell theirs. Acan Plus has seen such great results with just word of mouth along with posts here from buyers. Why not just enjoy your success instead of complaining?

Not to mention a little competition keeps businesses honest. Put out a good product for a good price and you will reap the rewards. I am sure you know this already with Acan Plus.

Now if this is a shot at someone or someones company maybe you need to take your drama off canreef. We have seen enough of it in the past year to get our fill.
To me you need from this post you are stating that you are unhapy with the Acan plus and you are just bitching end of story.

the Problem I have with your write up is >>>>>>>>>>

I don't think people care you have a problem. if you have a problem with his food ingredients then take it to a PM .. you my friend are the drama in this post.

180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
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