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Old 03-09-2013, 11:02 PM
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Default PaddyOB's Project ** Clownfish Breeding **

Ok so to start this build a few things. No, I have never intentionally bred clowns. Yes they have bred in my tanks. Yes I know captive breeding is easy but raising the fry is not.

Soooo... It's a project. We all know it gets done, so why not me?

I'm going to attempt it anyhow.

I have arranged for a 40G breeder which i will be picking up in the next bit. Thanks Jeff!

I am going to divide it with black acrylic and have two separate sides, each isolated from the other. I'm not planning a sump system. Probably just AC30s. One each side. Easy to shut off if you need to.

I figure I'll start with two pairs. Orange OC pair (bought today from Hooper) and the second pair 1x orange OC, 1x black OC.

Any thoughts on the pairings ?

Once I get the tank running and established I'll start my phyto and roti cultures.

So yea. I don't know what the H.E. double hockey sticks I'm doin but I'm hoping to take my hobby to a different level. And I hope it works.

My 70 Gallon build:

My Mandarin Paradise:

I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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