Well, I have decided to start a 23G Nano tank in my room. I plan to make it an SPS Dominated tank. I will be running a Fluval 305 canister filter with Carbon, Phosphate remover, and Live Rock. Flow will come in the form of the return from the Fluval and 2x Seio M620 Powerheads. Giving me about 1500GPH of flow. Sand bed will be 20lbs of Caribbean Live Sand, LR will total out at about 27lbs. Lighting will come in the form of an Aquamedic Ocean Light HOT5 Fixture. 4x24W, running 2 10K, 1 Fiji Purple, 1 Actinic.
The LR that I have is currently cooking to get rid of a bunch of NASTY THICK GHA.. it's so thick it looks like carpet! I worked for about an hour last night scrubbing with a wire brush, and only got about half if it scrubbed before the brush was pretty much useless...

Need to get a new brush to finish the job.
Pics aren't much to get excited about, but I know we all love them.
And my new toy for both of my reef tanks!