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Old 11-14-2018, 01:04 AM
Synthesis Synthesis is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Abbotsford -BC
Posts: 59
Synthesis is on a distinguished road
Default IM 25G Lagoon Tank Build

Hello Everyone,

So I am finally putting fingers to keyboard and starting a build thread that started back in late March with the purchase of the 25G IM Lagoon Tank. I thought ahead and made sure I snapped photos along the way of everything I was doing...

In fact, thinking ahead is actually the single biggest reason it's taken so long to get started. I researched everything half to death even though this is not my first reef tank. I left the hobby 10 years ago as life took me in another direction. Oh how the technology sure has changed...and yet the basics haven't changed at all.

Why did I decide to go with a 25G Lagoon? Size, clean look and less maintenance and upkeep was the first thoughts. Of course less maintenance and upkeep isn't actually true with less water volume. So scratch less maintenance and add bigger challenge to the list.

I personally love the lagoon style tanks. If done right they really do look great. So here is to hoping I can do it right.

I am looking to do a mixed reef with fish. Bare bottom is the goal to help with nutrient control. Skimmer and reactor (biopellets) and live rock will drive the filtration. Although I am seriously debating the skimmer. ATO and dosing will be done to help reduce overall maintenance (ATO is actually a must here).

For lighting, the 26HD Hydra will support the corals.

More to come. It's really good to be back!
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