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Old 11-16-2009, 03:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Search faster Justin. Sheesh! "This is not the 400g you're looking for.." (Ok that was out of place, but I just hadn't seen enough SW quotes here today..)

I sort of hear what you guys are saying. There are a LOT of fish I've steered myself away from over the years because they just get too danged big.

One of the reason I steered towards a doliatus rabbit was because they are the smallest of the genus. Although now seeing them in the Georgia Aquarium at 14" long (ugh), I see that "smallest" doesn't always mean a lot.

But you see the same principle in FW too, big huge tanks, and then all they have in them is a school of itty bitty tetras. And those are the ones you really tend to think, "wow".

But that's not to say I love my sailfin any less. Yeah I guess he's a big fish but then I've had him for 8 years now.

Im not saying I don't like the big fish (love them) but I do think most large tanks could look a million times better with say one sailfin and then a huge school of cardinals or something like that. But that's only if your really trying to make the tank a "work of art" or applying principles of design to an aquarium. Most people don't care for that approach or its not practical for them. Never was for me, I wanted every big fish I could find lol.

Until now, I never designed or thought of my tank the same way I do my work which is all design--I do design for illustration, graphics, interior design and animation. Had never really thought of applying all I have learned over the years to the aquarium.

Just starting to think about these things

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 11-16-2009 at 03:55 AM.
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Old 11-16-2009, 04:13 AM
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Part of the problem is most fish get big. It must take a lot of discipline to steer away from a lot of things, especially when (and it's probably supply/demand for the most part that is to blame for this) when on any given day it's easier to walk into any LFS and buy a butterfly instead of a ... say a blue eyed cardinal or something. The ratio has to be easily 10 to 1.

Anyhow sorry I guess I don't have a lot more useful to add other than I think it's very interesting points you guys bring up. You guys are the experts at the "making things look good" department, I can't compete at that level.
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Old 11-16-2009, 04:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Part of the problem is most fish get big. It must take a lot of discipline to steer away from a lot of things, especially when (and it's probably supply/demand for the most part that is to blame for this) when on any given day it's easier to walk into any LFS and buy a butterfly instead of a ... say a blue eyed cardinal or something. The ratio has to be easily 10 to 1.

Anyhow sorry I guess I don't have a lot more useful to add other than I think it's very interesting points you guys bring up. You guys are the experts at the "making things look good" department, I can't compete at that level.
Your right. I have had a hard time getting all the fish I am looking for my 34G. And the choices are quite limited. I think (but I am just assuming here) that there are many more small fish species in the ocean than large ones but a majority of species regularly available are larger (over 3"). As you said supply and demand

Then the nicer of small guys can get pricey!
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Old 11-16-2009, 04:32 AM
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Keep in mind I'm in the talking phase of stocking my tank =)

It could be just that. TALK haha.

Had I gone 8 feet like I should have, I'd likely be talking about bigger fish.

In the end I'll walk into an LFS...a big fish is going to bat a sexy eye at me and I'll take him or her home just like everyone else.
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Old 11-16-2009, 04:54 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
Keep in mind I'm in the talking phase of stocking my tank =)

It could be just that. TALK haha.

Had I gone 8 feet like I should have, I'd likely be talking about bigger fish.

In the end I'll walk into an LFS...a big fish is going to bat a sexy eye at me and I'll take him or her home just like everyone else.
You might change your mind if I can find that darn link...

Isn't there a site that showcases all kind of tanks in video tours? It may have been that site. I really just can't find it!
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Old 11-16-2009, 05:50 AM
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You sure it was 400g? I want to get to sleep tonight too and I sure as hell can't find it.
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Old 11-16-2009, 06:14 AM
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Originally Posted by TheMikey View Post
You sure it was 400g? I want to get to sleep tonight too and I sure as hell can't find it.

Tighten the vice!! More pressure to find that link!
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Old 11-16-2009, 06:37 AM
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Brett, if you can find a Black Cap Basslet, get one. They're awesome. I've wanted one for some time for the 90g. Pretty hard to find though.
As for the big fish vs. little fish, I agree with you guys. Smaller fish in pairs or groups are much more indicitive of the natural reef. I think that was the major reason I got another tank: one tank for SPS and small fishes and one tank for the larger cool fish. My second tank was supposed to be a FOWLR but I couldn't help myself and added some corals.
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Old 11-16-2009, 07:00 AM
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Originally Posted by TheMikey View Post
You sure it was 400g? I want to get to sleep tonight too and I sure as hell can't find it.
No I am not sure at all. I just know it was big. I think it was 300 and something. I am also sure it was a European tank. I just don't have time to look for it tonight.
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Old 11-16-2009, 03:29 PM
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I got to bed a little before 2. Couldn't find anything. Maybe to narrow it down: which forums do you frequent? I just registered at 3reef last night and took a glance through a few pages but didn't find it. Let's do some detective work and narrow it down.
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