Everything was going SO well today....
Bought a nice piece of rock with a beautiful black feather duster on it for my 7 gal bowfront. Got the tank arranged quite nicely, too
Found two more emerald crabs for my 42 gal to take care of the problem algae. Saw one of them chowing down like crazy
But when I put the five peppermint shrimp into the 42, I knew something bad was going to happen.... The yellow coris wrasse and the getting-bigger-every-minute spotted hawkfish had a whiff of them as I gently introduced them a couple at a time. The shrimp scattered, but I don't think they had a chance. Several minutes later, I caught sight of the hawkfish with a peppermint antenna sticking out of its mouth. Later in the afternoon, I found a dead one on the sandbed. Don't know if there are any left, but I doubt they'll see the light of tomorrow. That d*mned hawkfish
Husband is building a trap to see if he can catch it. Will probably have the same luck catching the hawkfish as we've had catching the unwanted crabs in that reef