Hi all,
Stopped by J&L on the weekend and they had two amazing Heteractis Magnifica Anemones in (still one left). This is an Anemone that my wife and I have always loved, and had done a lot of research on them. With that in mind, we decided we should get one of them. The pictures do not do this thing justice, the diameter is around 10", and it seemed to weigh a ton when I picked it up. We were hoping our Clownfish might show interest in it, but never expected it to be so fast. Within 30 seconds (no exaggeration) of being added to the tank both of them dove head first into the Anemone and have not left it since. They absolutely love this thing, I have never seem them so happy. I wanted to share some Pics with you guys, but like I said the pictures do not do this any justice
The first Minute
Checking Things Out
Full Tank Shot