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Old 01-01-2012, 07:44 AM
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Default Greg's 75g

Well, it's been over 4 months since I decided to take the plunge. I sold almost all my freshwater gear, and had to buy even more saltie stuff.
I feel I am close enough now to start my build thread.

First off, I'd like to thank everyone who has been helping me:
Canreef staff and members for their posts, both questions and answers; All members who I have bought from; Sponsors who I have bought from; Myka, both for your posts and communications; neven, for your tips and tricks; My Wife for her understanding and patience; and finally, my wallet, for not caving on me when I really needed you the most

The RO/DI system is running. Gotta love the water here in the GVRD. Last week I tested the tap @ 16ppm and today it's 8ppm. I'm glad I rigged the DI to only run when I need it.

Here's the Drum. And yes, that used to be our Master Ensuite
I had to put a sheet of ply under the drum to clear the sink
Pretty, isn't it ? Doesn't matter, only I use this room.

Here's the RO/DI. I installed it inside the cabinet on full extension drawer slides. Yes, it's a whole lot of plumbing, but I can run the RO with or without the DI with the turn of 2 valves, and I can monitor the TDS 3 ways; raw, RO and DI. Plus I have 2 pressure gauges; one is raw and the other is RO.
The pressure is low in the pics as I was flushing the new filters

I am waiting for my new 75g Aqueon RR and Pine Stand to arrive. It will go in the Living Room here

A used 50g Aqueon for my sump. After a bulkhead leak upon pump install on Jan 30th, I chickened out and decided to put the pumps in the sump.

Here's the pedestal for the sump. A 1" x 0.125 tubing frame under the foam, and wrapped in a garbage bag as I feel it'll last longer than paint, and not stain the carpet with rust.

The Sump is going in my Office, with the plumbing through the wall to the Living Room above the Coax lines. It'll sit where the boxes are, perpendicular to the tanks.
Next to it's space you see the 10g ATO under the 20g New water holding tank and beside that is the 20g QT above some storage

The Sump, ATO and New water tanks will have Pink Styro under them as their stands are not true.
The 20g QT and 75g DT will not need Styro

I have;
Skimz 181
Reefkeeper Lite w/Moonlights, a Hub and 2 x PC4s
Tunze 3155 ATO
3 x 200watt Jagers, with a pair of 250watters on a Ranco for backup (only because I already had them)
Eheim 1262 for the Return
Eheim 1262 for Chiller, UV, Chaeto and Reactors
ATI 8x54w that I modded
2 x MP10wES w/home-made battery backup
2 x TLF 150 reactors
1/10HP Eco-plus chiller
15w UV
40 LBS Base rock (to start, although I may buy more)
60 LBS Caribsea Select (although I won't use it all)
15 LBS Live rock
And numerous testers/kits etc

I think, when the tank arrives, I will almost be ready to fresh-test everything.
Of course, I'll still have to plumb the tank, sump, ato, and new water.
Plus, I still have to drill the sump and new water 20g.
I'll be at it for awile yet.

This project is teaching me patience

Last edited by Delphinus; 02-16-2012 at 04:29 AM.
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