Originally Posted by sphelps
Looks good buddy! I think you got the best stand, looks sweet and very practical. Your pictures are getting much better as well.
Yeah I really just wanted something that kept things clean and hidden, and made for easy water changes / sump access... and something that looked cool ahah
I'm working on getting some better pictures... the last one of all the stand compartments open was actually taken with C's old camera cause the D90 was up at my parents house. I still haven't had the time I'd like to sit down and really figure the camera out. It's weird the wireless remote I ordered doesn't seem to work if it's more than a foot or two away?? Stupid ebay... I'm assuming it's just a crappy remote??
Originally Posted by JDigital
Yea, that looks great! Nice to see how it looks in the rest of the room.
Thanks... I try to show some of the room from time to time cause I know I like to see where people have their tanks, and b/c it keeps things in perspective. That was the only place the tank could really go but it's pretty good viewing from the couch so I'm happy. Now I just need to get a nice fish eye lens and I'll really be able to show how it looks in the rest of the room ahah
Plus I always see tanks that look good on the close up but then when you get a true fts with stand and all it's just buried in test kits, buckets, fish food, nets etc. nothing worse than a nice tank being a total eyesore b/c of the mess of everything else. Which is why I designed the stand with lots of usable space.
Originally Posted by lobsterboy
sweet set up.
Thank you sir.. Tunze working out ok for you??
Originally Posted by BlueAbyss
I love your stand, its ingenious!
Thanks... my favorite part of the design is still how accessible the sump is and how easy it makes water changes... even though somehow I still don't do them as often as I should.
Here's the water change video again.