You made a boo boo putting the sand back in the tank. If I were you I would remove the rock and HALF the water, put it into a Rubbermaid tub (whatever you have on hand) with a heater and powerhead. Toss the remaining water, and the sand, or keep the sand in a bucket and use it later (like years later). Get the tank drilled, then put the water and rock in, top up with new saltwater. Wait a few days, put a few fish in, wait a few days put a few fish in, etc. In a couple weeks put new (very well rinsed) sand in the tank. Turn pumps off, gently lower sand in. It will look like a tornado for a day or two. Won't hurt the fish. I like fish last because when rocks are disturbed they always lose a bunch of crap and you're better off siphoning it out than having it get stuck in the sand.
The reason you don't want to reuse sand is because there will be anaerobic areas in the sandbed where Hydrogen sulfide may abound and if those parts of the sand are reused you will poison the inhabitants.
Originally Posted by ALang
Originally Posted by ALang
Yeah, I'd turf the HOB skimmer and the XP canister filter. Sell them.
Get your tank drilled if you can, or maybe use on of those overflow box like I have to bring water into your sump. Oh, and get yourself a sump. 30 gallons and up. Bigger the better. Get a good sized skimmer.
You have any of the live rocks left??
You may have to be extra stingy with feeding your fish right now... less food, less poop, less fouling while in their temporary home.
Good advice!