Well after seeing my new little reef through tough times (substrate change and not so sucessful fragging) I celebrated the fact I only lost the one leather coral by buying an nice chunk of tonga branch rock.
Well, well, well, about an hour before lights out, what did I see but about 10-20 one inch(ish) bristle worms crawl out to scope out their new digs.
Now what to do?
Coral Band Shrimp? Well he'd beat up on my smaller cleaner shrimp
Copperband Butterfly? Too Big and Too finicky for my fledgling nano.
Hawkfish? So far my favorite option. I think a longnose is the answer, but don't want to overload my system.
So far fishwise: I yellow coral (clown) goby. 1 false perc. 1 bangai cardinal. All so far are not to full size and I hope to move all to larger tank once constructed and set up. Guessing May(ish)
Any opinions on what I should do?I wish to use my 20 gallon to seed my larger tank when built, so I don't want to introduce a large population of bristle worm if possible.