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Old 12-26-2009, 08:49 PM
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Default feeding help lionfish

so i have this shortfin zebra lionfish for about 1 week now and be4 i bought him i saw him eating white cloud minnows i believe not sure but he was eating them so i bought some today for him and he doesnt seem to show intrest i want to train him to get on frozen sooner or later i dont mind feeding him feeders atm but he doesnt seem to go for it,

any help? tips? personal exp?

thx alot
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Old 12-26-2009, 11:13 PM
FitoPharmer FitoPharmer is offline
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normally at the pet store i worked at we fed them gold fish. i would not recommend this, IMO saltwater fish should eat other saltwater fish. but i have heard may people have success by attaching a silverside or just a piece to a preferably clear rod, then begin moving the silverside around the tank like it was alive with the rod. after he catches on he will grab almost anything moving on the rod.
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Old 12-27-2009, 12:27 AM
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thx i will try that but hes pretty small thats why i had to get white cloud minnows even the smallest goldfish are to big for him but im going to try that with the rod just gotta find a clear one..
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Old 12-27-2009, 01:11 AM
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Rosy barb minnows work, goldfsh are bad due to the skeletal structure, the heads do not break down in the digestive system as easily.

Silversides dipped in garlic, then large mysis work well.

Use a feeding stick, get an acrylic tube (smaller the better) and use thinker fish line in it. Move it around to make the silversides look alive. Key is leave the heads on.

Lions can take up to 2 weeks to eat, but we get ours eating in about 72 hours.

Ken - BWA

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Old 12-27-2009, 01:16 AM
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Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
Rosy barb minnows work, goldfsh are bad due to the skeletal structure, the heads do not break down in the digestive system as easily.

Silversides dipped in garlic, then large mysis work well.

Use a feeding stick, get an acrylic tube (smaller the better) and use thinker fish line in it. Move it around to make the silversides look alive. Key is leave the heads on.

Lions can take up to 2 weeks to eat, but we get ours eating in about 72 hours.

Ken - BWA
wow thx for the help! just quick question how long does it last without eating?
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Old 12-27-2009, 01:58 AM
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2 weeks or so.

watch if his stomach is concave, if he is fat still don't worry.


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Old 12-27-2009, 07:35 AM
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My very large Volitain Lion fish eat's a full silverside (about 3" long) cut in half soaked in garlic once every couple of day's. He was beening feed live goldfish when we got him with the 65 gal tank we bought used. We had to starve him about 14 day's and then introduce the silverside's to him. I use a long set of feeding tong's. I can tell when he is hungery by his action's of swimming near the top of the tank. This is just my experience, Ken now's his stuff more then me so just my 2 cent's.
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Old 12-27-2009, 09:06 AM
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
My very large Volitain Lion fish eat's a full silverside (about 3" long) cut in half soaked in garlic once every couple of day's. He was beening feed live goldfish when we got him with the 65 gal tank we bought used. We had to starve him about 14 day's and then introduce the silverside's to him. I use a long set of feeding tong's. I can tell when he is hungery by his action's of swimming near the top of the tank. This is just my experience, Ken now's his stuff more then me so just my 2 cent's.
thats grizz the more info the better im going to try that but my zebra lionfish hasent been swimming around in the middle of the tank he does come out but he swims from rock to rock just not out in the open , would my flowrate be a problem for him if its too strong?
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