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Old 02-20-2008, 03:02 AM
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Skimmin Skimmin is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Banff
Posts: 254
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Default The WHOLE Lot/ Now parting out

Recently I've been pondering the thought of setting up a new tank. The tank I have right now is a 120gal with an 85gal sump/fuge. I'm looking at upgrading to a 6ft 230gal and a 150gal sump/fuge. I'm trying to decide on whether to sell the system I have and start over from scratch, or keep what I have and just add it to the new tank. I guess for now I'll list off what I have and see what I end up with for offers.

120gal optiwhite (like starphire but completely clear, no blue tinge). It has dual, herbie style/silent external overflows(not just quiet but completely silent)
powdercoated steel stand
85gal custom sump with bypass style refugium and external return pump
20" coralife cp fuge light.
ASM G2 recirculating skimmer
reefkeeper 2 system controller with ph monitor (can be monitored from remote computer. Great feature if you want peace of mind on holidays)
2 250watt lumenmax pendants with 14k Hamilton bulbs
2 Hamilton HQI ballasts
1 Coralife 1 watt moon light
2 Sequence Reeflo external return pumps. (one for back up, just in case)
2 Tunze 6045 nanostream powerheads
1 Tunze 6055 powerhead with controller
1 Red Sea 100mg ozone generator and controller

300+lbs of premium Jakarta and Tonga LR


millipora (blue, rose and green) acros(blue, green and others), stylophora(bright pink, green), pocillapora(purple), orange monticap, green montiplate, purple and green montis,


2 variations of frogspawn (one octopus)
purple torch coral
3 variations of candy cane/trumpet coral
hammer coral
red brain coral
Aussie acan lords

Softies and zoos

3 varations of GSP (green star polyps)
purple clove polyps
green fuzzy mushrooms with bright purple tips
approx 50-100 red and purple mushrooms
green striped mushrooms
bright green fuzzy mushrooms
4 variations of ricordia Florida
Devils hand leather
Toadstool leather
Kenya tree
1 crocea clam (approx 4")

approx 20 different types of zoos and palys. NO BROWN ones. All fairly to brilliantly coloured.


2 ribbon Gobies
3 green chromis
1 Dusky jawfish
1 Blue throat trigger
1 scooter blenny.

still 2 much more to list...
including QT tanks (1 10gal, 1 30gal),
$100's in zeovit, suppliments, and salt that would be included.

Well thats most but not all that would be included. I'd also be more than happy to help with the move, setting up, and anything else involved.

Thanks for looking, and happy reef/fishkeeping

P.S sorry no pics yet (need a new camera)
300 Gal 6x3x28 high Starphire peninsula w/external herbie/bean animal hybrid +150 Gal custom sump with 30gal fuge section, (both built by Concept Aquariums Calgary), 3x Ecotech Radion xr30w g2's(soon to be G3 Pros), Jebao DCT 12000 return pump, 2x Jebao RW 20 powerheads, Tunze Ato, Vertex ro/di, Reef Octopus Ext 200 skimmer run internally.

Last edited by Skimmin; 02-23-2008 at 05:00 PM.
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