Originally Posted by gregzz4
The cleaners may help with the exterior bits but nothing in the gills
2-3 months is not going to make a difference if the web info is correct
I know I haven't given you a chance to read my post yet, but it can take up to 11 cycles (months ?) for MI to die out
I looked into this online and looks like you're right - it's 11 months and yeah like you said that's only if I add nothing new during that time. I have 5 fish right now and I'm planning on adding 3-4 more before I'm "fully stocked" and that's a long time to wait!
Although it seems that fish can co-exist with the parasite I'm assuming it's probably annoying for them to deal with. Also I'm assuming every time I add a new fish even after QT the dots will reappear since the ich is living in the DT. I think I may just go the fallow path and invest the time now and instead of dealing with the heartache later lol.
I have another question now... instead of moving the fish to a QT (which I would have to buy because I only have 5 and 10 gal spare tanks) could I move the inverts (snails, shrimp, urchin) to my 29gal fowlr and just do hyposalinity on the DT?
On a side note the kole is still looking good and the dots have reduced. I'm sure it's ich and not velvet