well its been decided im shuttin it down and startin it up,im buyin another tank then im dropping my other 4 tanks selling it all but my skimmer,pump and some coral and starting on the tank ive been wanting since the beginning

i never like the look of rectangle tanks and i hate being limited for space and especially view.the plan is still early in the makings but a tank design has been chosen and the spot has been picked

i am selling my 110reef and 33gmixed reef and 20mantis tank and 120g oscar tank plus all thats with it to fund this little project

the tank i have chosen is going to be 48x42x20 and is going to go in my dining room as i dont have a dining room table anyways lol its going to be roughly 150gals the exact dimensions are still being worked on,i went this direction so i can walk right around the whole tank,should be easy to maintain with lots more places for corals and dedicated areas

.i am going to have the tank custom made with a trimless top and beveled and polished edges.my sump will also be custom made to include a large refuge and fragtank, another bonus with all the room underneathe

im really undecided on lights reactors dosers etc as ive always bought second hand or done without
the tank is going to have a section roughly a quarter of the tank floor boxed out just for my snowflake eel as his appetite for delicates is getting bigger

its going to be made from acrylic drilled with many holes and removeable for any reason necessary.
the tank is going to have a coast to coast overflow with three return lines and three drain lines, two return's for the tank and one for the eel's den,the eels den will be built onto the overflow.im still looking for suggestions on if i should have more return lines to the farther corners where it will be 36" wide , or leave it at two from the back?? trying to stay away from powerheads for a bit anyways
im awaiting some quotes this week for my tank and in the meantime i will be going into my basement to build a loadbearing wall,and posting a for sale add for my fish and coral, im going to be keeping a few items as i cant bring my self to sell it all especially my zoas and carpet plus ill be keeping my puffer,eel and cinn clowns
wish me luck and hopefully ill have an answer about my tank this week
