The return line from the sump to the display needed a good cleaning. I had the brilliant idea of bringing an air compressor from the work shop to blow the algae and crud out of the line.
I disconnected the return at the DT and at the ball valve to the pump. (The sump is on the other side of the wall from the DT). I told the wife to open the ball valve when I yelled "OK".
I went around to the tank and connected the compressor to the return line. I turned the compressor on for a few seconds, (I wanted the pressure to build and really blow the stuff out) and then yelled for Joan to open the ball valve. I turned the compressor off and went around to see how it had worked.
Joan was covered in greenish-brown goo! It was in her hair, and all over her face and clothes! (When she opened the ball valve the crud just exploded out of the line). After I got over the shock of it, I of course, started to laugh. I ran to get the camera, but she knew what I was up to because she ran and locked herself in the bathroom. (I guess she didn't want her picture on Can-Reef.)
I was still laughing when she came down from her shower, but by this time she even thought it was pretty funny. We had a good laugh about it, but I don't think she'll be helping with tank maintenance any time soon.