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Old 08-12-2016, 09:42 PM
Potatohead Potatohead is offline
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If you don't need it, don't dose it. I would stop dosing and feed more and see if you can get your nitrates to the 2 - 3 range, you may need more fish to do it.
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Old 08-12-2016, 09:46 PM
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I have a 20g with 2 clownfish right now. I have a Royal Gramma in QT right now that will be added at the end of the month after meds.

Hopefully that helps. I feed 2x cubes per week as well as Reef Roids and Pellets about 3x/day for my hungry clowns.

Must just be my small tank and low bioload. I would feed more, but I don't see any extra food being eaten. My clowns and LPS barely eat everything I give them already (I like fat fish okay!)
- Jordon
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Old 09-14-2016, 05:19 AM
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Is there any advantage of using the AF probiotic salt if I don't use any other AF product and don't carbon dose? Perhaps just use their reef salt?
Red Sea REEFER 450
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Old 09-14-2016, 06:57 AM
Potatohead Potatohead is offline
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Originally Posted by brisco View Post
Is there any advantage of using the AF probiotic salt if I don't use any other AF product and don't carbon dose? Perhaps just use their reef salt?
Just use regular. The probiotic is designed to be used with ProBioS and NP Pro which is their version of No3PO4X. They also don't include as many trace elements in the probiotic because it's assumed you'll be dosing their stuff with it.
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Old 09-14-2016, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Potatohead View Post
They also don't include as many trace elements in the probiotic because it's assumed you'll be dosing their stuff with it.
Where did you get this information? I haven't heard this before. The AF lineup can be used with either the Probiotic Salt or the Reef Salt. They recommend the Probiotic Salt for SPS reef to help maintain ULNS, and Reef Salt for LPS reefs or other tanks where there are more nutrients than in ULNS.

Originally Posted by Aquaforest
Probiotic Reef Salt contains Probiotic Bacteria, Culture medium for them, Amino Acids and vitamins for Corals.
~ Mindy

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Old 09-14-2016, 02:32 PM
Potatohead Potatohead is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Where did you get this information? I haven't heard this before. The AF lineup can be used with either the Probiotic Salt or the Reef Salt. They recommend the Probiotic Salt for SPS reef to help maintain ULNS, and Reef Salt for LPS reefs or other tanks where there are more nutrients than in ULNS.
On the Facebook page.

We're saying the same thing two different ways basically, since PBS and NP Pro are basically carbon dosing to get ULNS... Although if you look at the AF product guide you can certainly use regular Reef Salt with SPS, I do myself. To me it sounds like you're confusing trace elements with nutrients which are not the same thing.
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Old 09-14-2016, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Potatohead View Post
On the Facebook page.

We're saying the same thing two different ways basically, since PBS and NP Pro are basically carbon dosing to get ULNS... Although if you look at the AF product guide you can certainly use regular Reef Salt with SPS, I do myself. To me it sounds like you're confusing trace elements with nutrients which are not the same thing.
No we're not. You're saying that there are less trace elements in the Probiotic Salt than in the Reef Salt. I've never heard them say that anywhere, so I'm curious where you read this because I would like to look into it. I don't think it's true though. Facebook is terrible to try to find historical posts though...
~ Mindy

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Old 09-14-2016, 02:36 PM
Potatohead Potatohead is offline
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It was discussed about a week ago on the FB group, I'll see if I can find it.
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Old 09-14-2016, 03:37 PM
Potatohead Potatohead is offline
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Sorry Mindy I just scanned through for about 20 minutes, I can't find it. Now you're making me second guess the whole thing (lol). I would say if you are getting good results and are happy with your tank I wouldn't change a thing.

I do think one thing is clear - AF needs to publish better information and guidelines regarding their products.
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Old 09-15-2016, 04:23 PM
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reliable information is the key. I have a 100 gal mixed reef. The SPS component consists of smaller acros, various monti's, and birds nests but I am looking to grow this part of the reef. I have numerous LPS as well and then for softies I have some toadstools, colt/Kenya, and Zoas. I am trying to keep everything happy. Currently use IO reef salt, but I am considering switching to Aquaforest. I dose Ca, Alk and Mg automatically. Then trace elements, acro power, and MB7 by hand somewhat sporadically. I also run a protein skimmer, RowaPhos, Hydroton, and NitraGuard. Heavy bioload system. So which salt is best for me? I am trying to run ULNS. I am away a lot, so can't do a zeo tank or anything that needs daily attention, it needs to run itself for upto 4 days. Any thoughts?
Red Sea REEFER 450
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