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Old 05-23-2016, 05:03 PM
reefwithareefer reefwithareefer is offline
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So I watched her other vids, the one where she explains that she is not rich etc plus the others made before those.

It made me wonder if what she is saying is true, can it not be possible that she is indeed being honest. It appears that she no doubt had a tank and it crashed. She was putting out vids before the crash happened. Is it not within the realm of possibilities that she is not wealthy and maybe she has an entrepreneurial spirit? There are many in life that have taken what they love doing and tried to make a living out of it. Is that such a bad thing? Again, she appears to have posts all over the world, not just for the vid of requesting money.

In short...
She wanted to make money by doing reefkeeping vids
Her tank crashed
Hard to make money with no tank
She invested time into vids and tank and wants to recoup, but can not afford so she asks for help. Who has not ever needed help?

Shady? Scam? Bad timing? Poor request method?

Friendly Canadians..Hmmm. this may be true, but it does
bring to mind, something a friend once said to me.

" One of the differences between a Canadian and an American is that someone could drive down a road in a Ferrari and the typical American would say Wow, cool car! I wonder what I have to do to get one?
The Canadian says..."Cool car, I wonder who he ripped off to get that car or is he just another drug dealer..."

I have been on Canreef for a few years now and have certainly felt or seen the the "friendly" side of us Canadians on here that made me sit back for a moment.

I have to step off my soap box now, going to jump into my Mercedes and go pick up some frags....
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Old 05-23-2016, 05:20 PM
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Originally Posted by reefwithareefer View Post
"One of the differences between a Canadian and an American is that someone could drive down a road in a Ferrari and the typical American would say Wow, cool car! I wonder what I have to do to get one?
The Canadian says..."Cool car, I wonder who he ripped off to get that car or is he just another drug dealer..."
Never heard that before!
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Old 05-23-2016, 05:37 PM
ComfortablyNumb ComfortablyNumb is offline
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Originally Posted by reefwithareefer View Post
I have been on Canreef for a few years now and have certainly felt or seen the the "friendly" side of us Canadians on here that made me sit back for a moment.
I've noticed it from coast to coast. Especially in the maritimes. Have you ever gone thru a Timmy's drivethru and had your coffee paid for by the chap in front of you? That doesn't happen much in the US. Happened to me last year and it had quite an effect. I've cut back on my Horton's intake, but whenever I'm in their drive-thru now, the guy behind me doesn't pay. Cheap way to feel good
.... altho once, the woman behind me had ordered 3 sandwiches and I told the girl at the counter "Ehh...maybe next time

*edit* I think some of the difference between Americans and Canadians (altho I'm half American as well) is best illustrated by the way Canadians welcomed Syrian refugees into this country, while the US has virtually closed off access and is almost paranoid that they all could be terrorists. Cheers, Tim

Last edited by ComfortablyNumb; 05-23-2016 at 05:48 PM.
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Old 05-23-2016, 06:01 PM
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I personally think its more of Canadians being skeptical about suff like this . We are not use to patreon and being asked for donations in the reefing community , or at least I have yet to see patreon really being used in Canada for this type of thing. However Im into gaming/live streams and they have been doing it for a while using patreon to support them . Now some people use it as a tool to avoid leaving their house and having to face responsibility of being an adult , but some actually put a lot of time effort into making videos . Editing videos is not a quick thing to do so really if somebody appreciates the work they can chip in some money to help the person. Is this a bad thing ? No but like everything people will find ways to exploit it for money like everything .
My opinion I seen her videos long ago on youtube so its not like she just set up a channel and patreon to get a quick cash grab , and really her patreon has under $200 in donations so its not like shes getting rich from it , I have seen some youtube channels get more in a month in donations than I gross in a year lol. Think its more Canadians are skeptical when somebody with little to no activity on a forum board comes in from another country drops a post about a tank crash with links to a channel with heavy patreon influence , and then does not engage in the conversations . Cant deny its somewhat weird , why post if you have no intention on conversation about it ? Dont see anything wrong with questioning it , I dont think this jeopardizes us as a whole being un friendly . More like a little suspicious and Canadians dont like bull shit so if something seems off , question it dont be afraid . I also think all of this would have been avoided if the OP would have checked in and replied to a few questions on the first page , so when a few pages go by no second post people start wondering why . If she would have engaged in the convo none of this would have even came up , but I guess thats harder to do when you have literally posted the same thing on tons of other forums , plus only 18 posts? So im guessing she only posted to gather more attention to her youtube/patreon = $$$ . So cant you see why people are a little suspicious ?

Sorry for my terrible writing skills I suck and I realize this
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Old 05-23-2016, 07:15 PM
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Well said Skimmer Juice and as a gamer myself I made tons of gaming videos (WOW ruled my life) which I find easy to make but doing actual real life videos is that much harder I think

As to loumaggs as far as I'm concerned all the more power to her if people can't handle her then it's very easy don't read any future posts by her or any future videos pretty simple actually
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Old 05-23-2016, 10:51 PM
reefwithareefer reefwithareefer is offline
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Originally Posted by ComfortablyNumb View Post
I've noticed it from coast to coast. Especially in the maritimes. Have you ever gone thru a Timmy's drivethru and had your coffee paid for by the chap in front of you? That doesn't happen much in the US. Happened to me last year and it had quite an effect. I've cut back on my Horton's intake, but whenever I'm in their drive-thru now, the guy behind me doesn't pay. Cheap way to feel good
.... altho once, the woman behind me had ordered 3 sandwiches and I told the girl at the counter "Ehh...maybe next time

*edit* I think some of the difference between Americans and Canadians (altho I'm half American as well) is best illustrated by the way Canadians welcomed Syrian refugees into this country, while the US has virtually closed off access and is almost paranoid that they all could be terrorists. Cheers, Tim
I do not want to go to far in depth with all this. I will say that I lived in the states for quite some time. From Seattle to San Diego. Firstly, Timmys only just opened a few stores in the USA , so there is probably not to much going on with the pay it forward over there at Timmys.
There is however, lots of people doing similar things in the USA. I personally saw it and I am sure it happens in most places around the world. Canada is one of the youngest countries in the world, so more than likely, most others have done it already, centuries ago..

My friends words were about the attitude of Canadians, as opposed to Americans.
To me, it is irrelevant if Americans pay it forward at Timmys or not. Our(Canadian) attitude is still unchanged about the guy driving the Ferrari. It is about a culture of thinking to me. Just like the culture of thinking most Syrians have towards western culture

Yes, not all Syrians are bad folks. The reality is that the majority of Syrian people "dislike" western culture and despise America as its unelected leader. Whether it is justified or not. It is their culture of thinking because of whatever reason.
I am very confident that if one was to Google the history of the Syrian and American relationship, one would see it is and was not, good by any stretch of the imagination.
So it does not surprise me that they may not want to take a chance on letting them live in their country after such a strained relationship already. Do you let people move into your house knowing there is a good chance they may not like you?
None of this really is pertinent to the discussion anyways is it? How does letting Syrians into a country have anything to do with with the Canadian attitude that this lady is just a scam and is ripping someone off to get herself a Ferrari?

IMO, Yes, skepticism is probably not a bad thing, but many comments made on here, were much more than just folks being skeptical.

I say....

Did she not respond by making the video explaining her actions? Would that not take much less time to accomplish than responding to every board, blog, vlog etc etc.

I look at how much time it takes to think of a respectful response and type it etc. Hell, I look at how long this response took, so imagine having to do that 100, 200 300... times. Imagine dealing with the haters etc on top of it. I would have to quit my job or something..The problem with that , is that I do not have a YouTube channel that makes me money...not yet anyways..haha

Last edited by reefwithareefer; 05-23-2016 at 11:01 PM.
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Old 05-24-2016, 01:47 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Never heard that before!
Well, one person has.
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Old 05-24-2016, 02:19 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Personally, (and this is just my opinion), I find it sad when someone loses their tank that they put a lot of care and effort into. I've had things die and felt pretty bad about it but have never experienced a crash. Other people on this board have posted their crashes and everyone was supportive to them. Now if the OP worked for McDonalds and got paid from McDonalds I wouldn't care, so if the OP wants to put the work into a video for YouTube and gets paid by YouTube then why should I care about that either?
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Old 05-27-2016, 02:30 PM
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I am more interested in the "why" the tank crashed so as to learn and avoid it. Canadians/Americans/Syrians oh my!
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Old 05-27-2016, 07:12 PM
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Originally Posted by brisco View Post
I am more interested in the "why" the tank crashed so as to learn and avoid it. Canadians/Americans/Syrians oh my!
Amen! Don't know why all that got involved. Go live where you think it's better.i want op to tell me why this tank crashed within 4 hours of power outage which makes absoultly no sense to me so I can sleep better at night, I think that's what the bulk of us is trying to find out. There is no reason this process would happen so fast, there is obviously other elements that's in play here.
Stop with all this political crap.
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