Well this is going to be a very interesting topic to discuss
In many articles, it is suggested to wait for six months to over a year in order for the tank to mature before putting anything that is considered moderately difficult in the hobby, like SPS, anemone and starfish.
To me, if I can achieve a stable system from the first day (consistent temp and salinity, proper dosage for the big three, proper lighting and so on), I don't see the reason for waiting a year to put in, say, an SPS. I can understand waiting for few weeks to tweet things up and I can also understand a new hobbyist taking time to learn about the system and taking things slowly. But I don't see the point of waiting for an experienced reefer for the tank to "mature". Overall, I struggle to see the reason behind associating a timeline with the maturity of the tank. To me, it seems more like the wait is associated with the reefer becoming matured (for taking care of the tank) than the tank itself.
Would be great to see the point of view of others. Hopefully won't start any ugly debate