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Old 12-28-2015, 06:23 AM
Breeing Breeing is offline
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Default 12 Gallon nano NEW!

Hey everyone, new to the saltwater scene!

I am looking into starting out a smaller reef tank, i know it can be a lot more challenging to start out with a smaller reef, but i'm really interested in giving it a go!

Now i am on a budget, and found the 12 gallon JBJ nano cube, it looks fantastic, but reviews are scattered, i am wondering what you all think, and weither or not you have experience with it- if you don't like, what do you recommend?

I am planning on using a Hydor Koralia 240 (or 425?), stock filter, stock light and 50 watt heater for equipment.

RO water, instant ocean salt, 10lbs. Arag-Alive pink sand, approx 20lbs live rock.

Will this work for:
Basic corals, anemone, 1 false perc clownfish (or pair) clean up crew and if not a pair of clowns then a couple smaller fish such a goby, etc.
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Old 12-28-2015, 06:34 AM
PithyArtifact PithyArtifact is offline
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Welcome to the addiction
Don't think the stock lighting will support anemones.
Also not sure if the 50 watt would be good enough. I had to switch my 50watt to 75 in my 10 gallon cause it would cool down if my room temperature goes below 20 degrees Celsius
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Old 12-28-2015, 06:54 AM
Breeing Breeing is offline
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Thanks, yes i was thinking 75 watt as well, I just had a 50 watt lying around which i only used a very short time so figured i'd give it a go! But will go with a 75 watt instead- best be on the safe side!

I've scene a lot of youtube videos with beautiful healthy corals, anemones and such with what looks like stock lighting for this system. I wonder if they placed LED strips in the hood as well?
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Old 12-29-2015, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Breeing View Post
Thanks, yes i was thinking 75 watt as well, I just had a 50 watt lying around which i only used a very short time so figured i'd give it a go! But will go with a 75 watt instead- best be on the safe side!

I've scene a lot of youtube videos with beautiful healthy corals, anemones and such with what looks like stock lighting for this system. I wonder if they placed LED strips in the hood as well?
Good luck on your new hobby. Glad to see more interest on the "Nano Tank Talk".

I'm sure the JBJ nano cube will work out for you (I prefer a rimless tank myself), but agree with 'PithyArtifact' that you will likely need to upgrade lighting if you want to raise anemones. However, you probably want to start slow and let your tank cycle before getting carried away with any fish or corals. Also suggest letting your tank mature before trying to raise an anemone, say 6 months to a year. If you're a beginner, I suggest keeping it simple. Don't bother with a lot of chemicals or tests, just do weekly water changes and run some carbon like Chemi-Pure (maybe some more experienced reefers will offer up some advice).

I've run an Innovative Marine 8 gal tank for about 1.5 years and only now upgrading the lighting because my anemone looks a little pale.
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Old 12-29-2015, 06:53 PM
Breeing Breeing is offline
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Awesome! Thank you so much! Yes i also much prefer the rimless, at this time though i'm just unable to afford one- if this tank works for me in a couple years i will be upgrading to rimless for sure.

As far as corals go which of these tanks would be best in your opinion? They are the exact same apart from LED and florescent:

I am worried about too much lighting and algae growth.
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Old 12-29-2015, 08:13 PM
PithyArtifact PithyArtifact is offline
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Originally Posted by Breeing View Post
Awesome! Thank you so much! Yes i also much prefer the rimless, at this time though i'm just unable to afford one- if this tank works for me in a couple years i will be upgrading to rimless for sure.

As far as corals go which of these tanks would be best in your opinion? They are the exact same apart from LED and florescent:

I am worried about too much lighting and algae growth.
If you are worried about your lighting honestly get something like a kessil a160we or an AI prime they are worth the money and you can adjust it the way you want then you're not second guessing your lighting system.
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Old 12-30-2015, 12:41 AM
Breeing Breeing is offline
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For now i think i am going to stick to the JBJ cube, just trying to figure out which would be best. I'll be upgrading later if all goes well but for now.. Cube it is!
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Old 12-30-2015, 05:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Breeing View Post
Awesome! Thank you so much! Yes i also much prefer the rimless, at this time though i'm just unable to afford one- if this tank works for me in a couple years i will be upgrading to rimless for sure.

As far as corals go which of these tanks would be best in your opinion? They are the exact same apart from LED and florescent:

I am worried about too much lighting and algae growth.
For easier to raise corals in lower light, I've had success with kenya trees, toadstools, green star polyps and mushrooms. Many of these will grow out of control if you're not careful. I also like hammers, trumpets, acans and brain corals (trachyphyllia), but they're a little more finicky. Looking forward to see how you make out. Have fun.
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