Originally Posted by Ram3500
Sorry Crimper in my drunken stupor the I was thrown off by a you tube video that you did not post I must have clicked it and thought you had posted the link after I was directed to you tube . It was related to what you posted but more war doom and gloom .
No biggie Ram3500.
I grow up in one of those 7,000 islands that my country has, I for one took the beauty of those Reefs for granted, until I came to this beautiful country and started creating my own glass-boxed reef as I missed them. I then realized how lucky people on that part of the world that they gotta enjoy the beauty and wonders of those reef without spending a penny.
I'm a living witness on how my fellow country men neglected and destroyed those reefs due to ignorance and poverty. Until recently that environmentalist and NGOs stepped up and did conservation efforts.
Sorry if this kind of depressing but that is the story of my Reef Life.