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Old 10-27-2015, 10:55 PM
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Default Love the new web site

Thanks for changing it
Old 10-28-2015, 07:25 AM
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Yes. Very Nice
Old 10-28-2015, 03:11 PM
hfp75 hfp75 is offline
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Looks better.....

Still needs pics on a lot of livestock....

Can we view more item per page instead of going through 12 pages? Like 2 long ones? Or at least the option?
Old 10-28-2015, 07:18 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Actually, I prefer the OLD livestock pages. Will hold off on final "judgment" till the after all the fixes have been completed. I agree that having 12 pages to open and look through is too much and would rather have more items per page than have so many pages.
Old 10-30-2015, 06:02 AM
jlaquatics jlaquatics is offline
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Thanks guys.

I thought I would mention a couple of things. Unfortunately I can't upload an image (to make it easier) right now so bare with me:

1) When viewing a subcategory, you can change the number of items that will be listed by using the pull down menu that is just to the left of the page selectors!

2) On the far left of that same "sorting bar" - closer to the menu, there is also a list view mode that will remove product images and give you many lines per page. You will notice when you hover your mouse over an item it loads a small photo for quick reference. Click the image to proceed with the item.

Many more changes in the works!

Thank you,

J&L Aquatics Ltd.
Old 11-11-2015, 03:45 AM
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Something I would find useful (and hopefully others) would be a "print" feature on your shopping cart page.

During shopping (especially for me as I'm local) it'd be nice to fill my "cart" and print it all off.

I would use this printed sheet in-store ...

This for me would be a big help as I usually print off a sheet for every item I need (reminder)
Old 11-20-2015, 04:56 AM
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I'm loving it too! Great work
Old 01-06-2016, 10:21 PM
kyl kyl is offline
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Question about the livestock pages.

Everything currently says out of stock. Is that going to be updated at some point, or is this just a new feature that was un-used in the previous web experience? I know the new and noteworthy highlights some things that just came in, but even the mainstays like snails and hermits show OOS.

And more onto a planning list of sorts, say there are things you would like to buy but they're definitely not stocked in the store right now. Do you get on some type of order list, or is it just call every few weeks and ask if _____ has come in?
Old 01-07-2016, 12:04 AM
jlaquatics jlaquatics is offline
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Originally Posted by kyl View Post
Question about the livestock pages.

Everything currently says out of stock. Is that going to be updated at some point, or is this just a new feature that was un-used in the previous web experience?
- Our new shopping cart system requires us to list our livestock in this way. If we changed it to "in-stock" we would constantly receive orders for animals we didn't actually have. To date, we have not accepted livestock orders via our online shopping cart system, but we do hope to one day implement that in the future.

Originally Posted by kyl View Post
And more onto a planning list of sorts, say there are things you would like to buy but they're definitely not stocked in the store right now. Do you get on some type of order list, or is it just call every few weeks and ask if _____ has come in?
- We have a livestock waitlist that we can add you to. To get added to that, simply call or email that request over. We notify people in a first come first served basis as livestock arrive.

Thanks for the questions!

Old 01-07-2016, 12:49 AM
kyl kyl is offline
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Originally Posted by jlaquatics View Post
- We have a livestock waitlist that we can add you to. To get added to that, simply call or email that request over. We notify people in a first come first served basis as livestock arrive.

Thanks for the questions!

Great, thanks for the explanation Jeff.

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