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Old 09-19-2015, 02:33 PM
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Don't care for it sorry! Having a hard time trying to find things! Like the old one, simple fast lay out. Got frustrated so left. Sorry
Old 09-19-2015, 08:02 PM
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Hey what's with the price hike on some items? I bought an ai prime from you guys a few months back for $ 229. Now it's over $260!!!! Did these things just appreciate in value? Was going to buy a second one from you but not at that price. I know reef supplies still has them at $229.
Old 09-19-2015, 08:15 PM
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The new website is harder to navigate through , much prefer the older one with everything lined up on the left side of the page.
Old 09-19-2015, 09:25 PM
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Hi Jeff,

I've had a chance to thoroughly use the new site. Overall I like it. I'm a little frustrated with the pull down menus. I think you should remove the 'shop now' tab, and just have a constant left margin list (like others have suggested), like the old site. Nothing is more frustrating than having to manipulate the mouse several times rather than just having a consistent list. Plus, drop down menus are a constant fail on mobile devices.

As mentioned earlier, a return of the reef compatible colour charts! Very helpful in livestock selection.

You also appear to be missing 'zeovit products' in the aquarium supplies list. That was handy.

Had to create a new account, unavoidable I guess, no big whoop.

Love the 'brands' page, much better than before!
Old 09-19-2015, 11:19 PM
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Have to agree with the others ....

I miss the constant menu on the left - Too many mouse clicks to find products now - and the fish 'care' rating list you had was very useful

Hopefully you can integrate these previous features within your new format
Old 09-20-2015, 08:36 PM
jlaquatics jlaquatics is offline
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Originally Posted by NU-2reef View Post
Hey what's with the price hike on some items? I bought an ai prime from you guys a few months back for $ 229. Now it's over $260!!!! Did these things just appreciate in value? Was going to buy a second one from you but not at that price. I know reef supplies still has them at $229.
There was a price increase on AI products recently, and the rest is in response to the US dollar. At the moment, Reef Supplies is listing the AI Prime at $265.

Last edited by jlaquatics; 09-20-2015 at 08:58 PM. Reason: Grammar
Old 09-20-2015, 09:00 PM
jlaquatics jlaquatics is offline
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Originally Posted by WarDog View Post
Hi Jeff,

I've had a chance to thoroughly use the new site. Overall I like it. I'm a little frustrated with the pull down menus. I think you should remove the 'shop now' tab, and just have a constant left margin list (like others have suggested), like the old site. Nothing is more frustrating than having to manipulate the mouse several times rather than just having a consistent list. Plus, drop down menus are a constant fail on mobile devices.

As mentioned earlier, a return of the reef compatible colour charts! Very helpful in livestock selection.

You also appear to be missing 'zeovit products' in the aquarium supplies list. That was handy.

Had to create a new account, unavoidable I guess, no big whoop.

Love the 'brands' page, much better than before!
I really appreciate you taking the time to have a close look at the site, as I do all the input and comments I'm reading in this thread. A big thanks to all!

As is illustrated in this forum (and through other channels), the menu system is not getting the best review. This is something that can be changed and we are looking at the possibility of implementing a new menu system. I can't promise any timelines - but we are certainly sensitive to the feedback that has been provided. Please hang in there for now

The livestock portion of the website is still a work in progress (always planned to improve over time) and I can definitely see us re-implementing the reef compatible colour charts again. As well as general care information. Other new ideas have been noted and will be taken in to account as well.

Now Fixed:

Search Engine - Some people had concerns about the usefulness of the search engine and we worked quickly to fix that. Users will find the search engine to be far more accurate than at launch. We've also added a "suggested spelling" feature to help keep things as accurate as possible.

Daily Deal - Some people reported seeing an error message or not being able to see the Deal of the Day. This issue has been resolved.

New & Noteworth Page - Image View - When viewing livestock photographs on the N&N page, a new tab will no longer be opened, instead a zoomed & isolated view will be offered (similar to our old website).

Last edited by jlaquatics; 09-20-2015 at 09:03 PM.
Old 09-21-2015, 03:05 AM
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Originally Posted by jlaquatics View Post
There was a price increase on AI products recently, and the rest is in response to the US dollar. At the moment, Reef Supplies is listing the AI Prime at $265.
Lol now they do! I shoulda just kept my big mouth shut and ordered it. Well there is still canada corals 229$. Till they see this and adjust their pricing too

Last edited by NU-2reef; 09-21-2015 at 03:07 AM.
Old 09-21-2015, 04:07 AM
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Originally Posted by NU-2reef View Post
Lol now they do! I shoulda just kept my big mouth shut and ordered it. Well there is still canada corals 229$. Till they see this and adjust their pricing too

Old 09-22-2015, 07:40 PM
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Tried to access on my iMac today and cant get on again.

Fixed. Thanks

Last edited by Doug; 09-22-2015 at 08:32 PM.

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