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Old 02-12-2015, 03:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Scythanith View Post
You all just need a fishroom All the sound is in the back room!
So your powerheads are in your fishroom ?
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Old 04-23-2015, 03:34 AM
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The MP10QD upgrade is now available in Canada and is going for $75-90. Thanks Canuck Buck

I broke down today and bought an MP10wQD
I'll replace one of my ES units on the DT and put the ES on my QT/Frag tank for now

I won't be doing the switch tonight but hope when I do I am impressed
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Old 04-24-2015, 05:45 AM
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First night with the new MP10wQD ...
I installed it in my 20g QT/frag tank. I'm doing this to break it in, and maybe help the frags some as they've been suffering with a MJ400 and MJ600 running 24/7.

Initial impression is somewhat biased as it's a brand-new wet/dry side pair. But I'll say the ramping sound is definitely improved enough to warrant the purchase. The sound is quite different from the other 3 ES units I own. This of course must be from the more fluid/continual signal the dry side is receiving from the new driver programming.
On 100% the new unit is amazingly quiet, but I can't compare it to my others at this time, so I'm only stating this from personal feelings.
I'm interested to see what will happen if I install an upgrade on my quietest 'used-to-be' master. My previous master is now known as 'right' as I'm using ReefLink to program and control all my pumps. ReefLink doesn't use a single pump as a 'master'. You have total control over all your pumps. PM me if you need help with this as it's way too much to try and cover here.

I wish EcoTech would be more consistent with their products as I've never had to touch the dry side on my main unit over the 3 years I've had it running. And it's still the quietest piece out of all 3 units - even after bearing changes on the others.
I'm waiting for the break-in period of a week or so (barring free time) to compare this new unit with my workhorse dead-quiet stock unit.

I have 5 wet sides that I rotate on 3 MP10wES units. I lube the wet sides with Lifegard silicone and it's always made a big difference.
The new wet side that came with the QD unit was very difficult to spin by hand.
When I dis-assembled it I found it was lubed, and the lube felt similar to what I use, so I suspect they've used something similar to help with the 'break-in' period.

That's all for now.

I'll be back with more info as it's pertinent.
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Old 05-14-2015, 04:57 PM
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Looking for MP40 QD upgrade reviews! What's the scoop guys?

Aside from Greg's post above, this really isn't a "review" thread yet.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

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Old 05-14-2015, 05:44 PM
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I will be installing my mp40 QD driver this weekend, including before and after tests with a decibel meter. Stay tuned for the results.
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Old 05-14-2015, 05:50 PM
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I got an MP40wQD to replace an MP10 I was using on the left side of my tank. So far, it's a world of difference flow and noise-wise compared to the MP40wES on the right side. I can barely hear the QD even at 70% while the ES has a very audible whine at that level.

It was so big of a difference that I got a QD driver for the ES. It makes the ES just a little bit louder than the QD, which means it's still ultra-quiet. Worth the price if you have an ES and are looking to upgrade for sure.
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Old 05-14-2015, 06:00 PM
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I ordered a MP40 QD driver for a noisy MP40 that I had... I didn't expect a miracle but was hoping it would be at least a bit quieter. Before I could hear it a couple rooms away and couldn't put it on pulse or wave mode at all as I could hear the whine of it winding up and down right across the house.

With the new driver it is virtually silent. I am super impressed. I can't hear it at all. If I put my ear against it I can barely hear it. I don't understand how just changing the driver can make such a huge difference. It's still the same motor... but I'm happy about it.
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Old 05-14-2015, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
So your powerheads are in your fishroom ?

Anyone else feel like this might be orchestrated?

Must be nice to develop a product with some well known shortcomings and then release an upgrade to fix it for top dollar...

It's always good if you can get your customers to pay for the same product twice.
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Old 05-14-2015, 08:01 PM
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That's called manufactured obsolescence , everyone does it . Buy a domestic brand car see how long it feels new for , same thing . I do think a lot of expensive R&D went into the new driver its the most expensive part , the actual physical parts are a fraction of what you are paying for . The noise was the only reason I didn't but an mp10 , will probably get one now despite the other problems .
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Old 05-14-2015, 10:34 PM
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there are/were SO many people that for years wouldn't consider a vortech due to their excessive noise. it was a huge complaint the entire time. in this case i do not think it was planned... they'd have sold many more units this entire time had they been quiet all along. i think.
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