02-05-2015, 12:16 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 13
Originally Posted by ScubaSteve
Yup, same form factor... or any form factor you wanted really. I'd just order the switches and outlet sockets from Newark, Mouser or Digikey and build an enclosure for it. The wiring is pretty basic but I could post a schematic.
The enclosure is pretty straight forward. A few pieces of acrylic or aluminum, a table saw, a jig saw/dremel and you're done. If you wanted to get fancy, you could find someone local to laser cut the panels for you, then just glue screw them together.
I'd build my own, once my American DJ strip craps out, simply for the ability to have form factor that fit my stand better. Now, I should say that I do have an entire machine shop in my HOUSE dedicated to prototyping (I'm a product designer) and have access to a CNC mill, lathe, 3D printers, etc, so my perspective on the relative ease at which something can be built is different from that of others. That said, to make your own powerstrip is fairly easy project for anyone to muster and which doesn't require a lot of tools, just enthusiasm!
If someone needs laser cutting done just fire me a PM, I've got access to a 2500 watt and 4000 watt if you need something like 1" plate cut.