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Old 02-04-2015, 07:05 AM
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Let's try to reply to everyone!

Tim: I have not heard of the Foz Down product. If indeed it does what it advertises, then I'm all in for it! I guess I can always try a bottle and see. I agree that I do not enjoy changing out the RowaPhos stuff all the time.

Warren: Thanks for the branches, they are lovely! I'll let you know of the delivery date, we definitely need all hands on deck for this one!

Delphinus: Yeah it's a bit narrow, but we'll work with it. For lighting, I am still scouring/researching the mid-tier LEDs such as Reefbreeders, Reef Radiance, etc. My current Hydra 52s would work wonders but I cannot afford another $1500 for another two fixtures, so I'm selling my Hydras to fund these ones.

Skimmin: Considering my tank will only have just half of your DT size in terms of gallonage, I think I will be okay for now with 2 RW-20s. Time will tell.

Roskoreef: I saw yours and it looks very similar to mine! It looks awesome and makes me so excited about mine too!

Anthony: Hopefully the RW-20s will be well-situated and enough flow.

Ron/Mikellini/Denny: Perhaps Ron you got a lemon? I have had my Tunze Nano ATO for a while now and it's been extremely reliable, and most people's experience from what I've read online has been very positive. ATO = makes jobs easier.

Patrick: Haha one day you'll need to visit again when the tank is up! I should come visit you too with your new RSM!

Treebeard: I have heard of instances where mushrooms grow out of control, but both the wife and I enjoy these corals so I think they'll have their place.
Custom 165g Peninsula FOWLR
Fluval M40 Nano

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Old 02-04-2015, 07:14 AM
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Here's the 3D model the wife constructed, with some coral placements. None of these are permanent decisions, rather just having fun with what it could look like:

Side view, dining room

Side view, living room

Front view

Top view, dining room side

Top view, living room side

Bird's eye view
Custom 165g Peninsula FOWLR
Fluval M40 Nano

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Old 02-04-2015, 08:13 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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LOL ---> Love the labels! ♥♥♥
This and that.
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Old 02-04-2015, 08:18 AM
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Custom 165g Peninsula FOWLR
Fluval M40 Nano

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Old 02-04-2015, 08:21 AM
.bubbles .bubbles is offline
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*side note: green stickies represent stuff we already have, pink is to be purchased. The only exception is the 'clams', that one should be pink

Off topic on the tank build, but since the husband has started blogging about our reefing adventures I want to add that I am so blown away by everyone we've met so far and their generosity, kindness and passion! As beginners, it has been invaluable to have the forum advice and encouragement. And every time we meet other reefers, it is pretty cool to be able to instantly connect and share about our respective experience and tanks.

Anyway, looking forward to meeting more fellow reef nerds, and thanks for all the help we've received and will continue to need

( I'm rishu's wife )

Last edited by .bubbles; 02-04-2015 at 08:26 AM.
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Old 02-04-2015, 08:59 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Hi .bubbles

You should rethink the "suncoral" and eventually get another dendro or maybe some photosynthetic gorgonians. Suncorals are notoriously hard to keep alive long term compared to Dendros because each head needs to be individually fed. Suncorals also tend to open up at night or when detecting food. My dendros are open 80+% of the time, in contrast.

Acans also tend to be lower light corals, so placement high up on the rockwork may not be ideal.

Since this is a LPS-heavy system, 2 of the RW20s should be plenty of flow. My main display (165g) only has a WP60 and a WP25. Not enough for an SPS tank but just right for an LPS system.

Love the 3-D models. I never really go that far. I usually aquascape free style and go from there.

Glad to see you are both so into this addiction. My wife would probably divorce me before giving up her car to fund my next tank. Seriously.


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Old 02-04-2015, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
LOL ---> Love the labels! ♥♥♥
LOL thanks for the love

Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic View Post
Hi .bubbles

You should rethink the "suncoral" and eventually get another dendro or maybe some photosynthetic gorgonians. Suncorals are notoriously hard to keep alive long term compared to Dendros because each head needs to be individually fed. Suncorals also tend to open up at night or when detecting food. My dendros are open 80+% of the time, in contrast.

Acans also tend to be lower light corals, so placement high up on the rockwork may not be ideal.

Since this is a LPS-heavy system, 2 of the RW20s should be plenty of flow. My main display (165g) only has a WP60 and a WP25. Not enough for an SPS tank but just right for an LPS system.

Love the 3-D models. I never really go that far. I usually aquascape free style and go from there.

Glad to see you are both so into this addiction. My wife would probably divorce me before giving up her car to fund my next tank. Seriously.


Thank you for the note on sun corals. If it's too hard to keep, we'll find some alternatives probably. The reasoning behind choosing sun corals was we wanted the bright attention grabbing colours at the entrance/tip of the penny so it makes a nice impression. What other red/yellow/orange corals are out there?

The acans can definitely move. Should have a bunch of room on the mid-arch/low-arch to place them.

I find that the 3D modelling, even with just a bunch of scrap paper glued together, gave us a good understanding of the rockwork/coral placement/lighting/etc., it's been a good starting point.

Selling a car, or a big awesome tank?
Custom 165g Peninsula FOWLR
Fluval M40 Nano

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Old 02-04-2015, 08:02 PM
Sharkbait-huhaha Sharkbait-huhaha is offline
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Love the plan!!

Following along for the ride !
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Old 02-04-2015, 10:25 PM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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Originally Posted by rishu_pepper View Post
LOL thanks for the love

Thank you for the note on sun corals. If it's too hard to keep, we'll find some alternatives probably. The reasoning behind choosing sun corals was we wanted the bright attention grabbing colours at the entrance/tip of the penny so it makes a nice impression. What other red/yellow/orange corals are out there?

If your looking for something similar dendros look pretty much identical. The only real difference that i notice is the base where sun corals are more of a solid base with little arms that is all living and dendros being more like a torch or hammer coral.
I hope you understand what i mean.
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Old 02-04-2015, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by FishinGoalie View Post
If your looking for something similar dendros look pretty much identical. The only real difference that i notice is the base where sun corals are more of a solid base with little arms that is all living and dendros being more like a torch or hammer coral.
I hope you understand what i mean.
Yup I do have dendros and understand what you mean, saw some sun corals at JL before.

Don't think I can afford a dozen heads of dendros easily though lol...

What's red/yellow and flow-y?
Custom 165g Peninsula FOWLR
Fluval M40 Nano

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