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Old 01-23-2015, 02:09 AM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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I am not so excited about this product.

1. Every year the new must have product comes out, the must have product from a few years ago is now being trashed all over these forums, and it seems as if the overwhelming current of people who a few years ago fawned over that product have now become a vortex of angry customers. IMO less money and more good tank husbandry is the direction I want to go in.

2. I don't see monitoring all parameters all the time as necessary. If my alk is in range, I know my Ca will be in range too. After a while you figure out how long before your Mg depletes and needs replenishing. When my pH probe broke, I didn't bother to install a new one, IMO Alk matters and pH will follow Alk. So if I check Alk once every week or two, and Ca every month, and Mg every few months, things seem OK. Then again I am not going for a show-stopper tank just a nice hobbyist tank.

3. Automating dosing based on the measurements from this device could lead to a disaster, a false lab result could lead to an overdose or underdose of Alk Ca etc. Most of us, faced with a seriously out of range test result, would double check the test before we took steps to correct the parameter. But automating the dosing based on this sensor would bypass the fails-safe step of checking for a measurement error.

4. Probably some other legitimate objection to this product but too tired to think about it now.

Anyway that's about it, just a counterpoint to everyone else's views on this product.
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Old 01-23-2015, 03:27 AM
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Kill joy lol!

I love numbers, give me every bit of information I can get my hands on. I'll weigh the relevance of the numbers based on their own qualities.

I kind of get a kick out of you saying less money is the direction you want to go in when you have a powermodule light, a couple tunzes, and a BK mini 180. That's not cheap equipment.

I do agree with you that good husbandry tops all. Husbandry alone can replace the need for the majority of the equipment found in our tanks. You wouldn't need a skimmer, fuge, or Ca reactor in your system if you just kept up with frequent water changes. The equipment you have chosen allows for you to stretch that period out a little by removing impurities, adding elements, etc.

In my case, I am away from my system up to a month at a time. Being able to keep a watchful eye on parameters from afar is important to me. I can only ask my wife to test the tank so many times before she gets annoyed

All in all, everyone runs their system how they feel best.
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Old 01-23-2015, 06:03 AM
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Well I'm excited by this. The underlying technology is sound and has been used in biotech and research for some time to detect and monitor very small amounts of things such as intracellular calcium inside living cells.

I think that being able to constantly monitor and maintain levels is the next step. Sure good husbandry is important etc. But the more stable we can make our systems in terms of all parameters the better off we will all be. And I think this might go a long way towards enabling that in a very easy to use way.
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Old 01-23-2015, 06:38 AM
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Test kits aren't cheap on their own. I'd be all over this if it ends up being consistent and reliable!
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 01-23-2015, 06:47 AM
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Not to mention what it will do for a store owner trying to help their clients diagnose their tank issues! Open up the app and look at their parameters just like that. Like I said before, I'd still test with an independant kit if something seems out of whack, but man, that would be helpful!
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Old 01-23-2015, 04:45 PM
Koleswrath Koleswrath is offline
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Originally Posted by Ron99 View Post
Well I'm excited by this. The underlying technology is sound and has been used in biotech and research for some time to detect and monitor very small amounts of things such as intracellular calcium inside living cells.

I think that being able to constantly monitor and maintain levels is the next step. Sure good husbandry is important etc. But the more stable we can make our systems in terms of all parameters the better off we will all be. And I think this might go a long way towards enabling that in a very easy to use way.

Another side to this is the potential for people to chase numbers even more than they do now. Seeing fluctuations in readings from day to day could lead people to respond to every little change with some sort of an adjustment to their routine. This would ultimately lead to less constancy/stability.
Besides, I thought people with outstanding long term tanks hardly test anymore anyways.......
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Old 01-23-2015, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Koleswrath View Post
Besides, I thought people with outstanding long term tanks hardly test anymore anyways.......
I just tested Mg this morning. First time in 4 years. It was fine
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Old 01-23-2015, 06:32 PM
mikellini mikellini is offline
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Yeah I don't understand the people saying more information is a bad thing. Yes, it can't be relied on 100% and it's certainly not essential, but to me this is the greatest piece of kit you could have - if it works as advertised
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Old 07-27-2015, 07:22 PM
Ginu Ginu is offline
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Well if anyone is interested in becoming a supporter for this controller, here is your chance.

495USD buys the device+one disk+mindstream polo shirt with a December delivery time.

From their FB page:
MindStream Aquarium Monitoring System

Today is the day we have all been waiting for! After years of hard work, we are proud to announce that this morning we launched a Kickstarter campaign to finally get the MindStream monitor to market. Now we need your help. In backing our project, you not only have the opportunity to be among the first to receive a MindStream monitor later this year, but you will also help us over the finish line to bring this revolutionary system to aquarists everywhere. We appreciate your interest and excitement thus far and thank you in advance for your support in making this campaign a success!
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