Originally Posted by brotherd
I'm wondering why the transition from the wood to the tile is where it is? What does the opposite view look like?
Wood trim will only be around the tank itself. Here's a pic of the back in the fish room. I'm leaving the stud bare like that cuz nk1 will see it except me n it will leave me a lot of room to work with.
Originally Posted by Noodles
If you make two slab doors to fit the opening(3/4" thick) and paint them wall colour, then mount them flush with the wall with European cabinet door hinges(I would recommend salice but Blum would be ok). Put touch latches on the back and you're done. Nice and clean, only a couple margin lines.
The doors would have to be a plywood core with a smooth skin so the paint would be smooth. Also watch for a sheet that is flat as some plywood likes to warp pretty bad.
Hmm I think this might actually look really good. Will deff take a lot of hard work tho. Can I find those type of latches and hinges at Home Depot? I went there to check out their wood trims with designs on it but they were pretty damn ugly. Any1 know where I can find nice trims locally?
Originally Posted by Myka
It's definitely a pain in the butt in some ways when you can't access from the front such as positioning rock/corals as you have to position, walk around, look, go back, reposition, walk around, look, etc.  In the end though, it's a sleeker look and I wouldn't do it any other way.
Exactly! Back n forth will be dreadful but my main concerns was that I won't be able to reach certain corals that will be place on the front glass at all with my rock work I'm planning to do if I can't access the front. I read many in wall tank builds and every1 who didn't have front access regretted it dearly