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Old 12-02-2014, 10:25 PM
BlazingArrow BlazingArrow is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 27
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Default Tank shut down sale (w van)

I have a full salt-water aquarium, drilled with sump set-up. It is a unique size of 32gallon display and has both a 10 gallon and 20 gallon sumps available for use. I just recently shut it down and have the following for sale.

Willing to make bundle prices (see bottom of posting) and definitely will negotiate.

32G display - 31.5" long x 17.75 high (top to bottom) x 13.75 wide (front to back) - a few small scratches - dual drilled at top back for returns from pump in sump $40
Fitted stand for tank, exact same foot print under tank and smaller at base on floor, customized for more stability for sump $20

20G sump - no baffles -$15
10gallon sump with baffles - $15
All 4 together tank, stand, 2 sumps for $80

Eheim 3000 return pump - super quiet 400-800 gallons per hour - used for two years - $60
I had really good flow on tank from using this pump.

Hang on back CPR skimmer - $20 works great and is pretty quiet

Corallife light fixture - 150w metal halide, 2 x 65w PC (PC ballast is malfunctioning, needs to be replaced, or LED or T5 DIY retrofit would work, PC bulbs are both <6 months old) $60
+ hanging kit and legs for tank - $20
$60 for both

CPR C dual overflow - 800GPH with herbie modified (safer) overflow system and aqua lifter pump - $100

RODI (reverse osmosis water purifier) - 3 stage RO, 3 stage DI - $60

Corallife salt 5G salt bucket (2/3 full) - $20

Heaters - 200w - $30
- 100w - $20

Timers -$5 each x 3
Return snap tight fittings
Various test kits $free with other purchase or $1
Hydrometer - $5
Water jugs (20L) - $1 each, have 4

Live rock - over 35 pounds of live rock ready to start a saltwater set-up - $60
(Paid well over $200 for it originally)

tank, stand, sumps - $80
Tank, stand, sumps, light - $140
Tank, stand, sumps, overflow and pump - $250 + light $300
Tank stand, sumps, overflow, pump, skimmer, salt - $300
Tank, stand, sumps, overflow, pump, heaters, skimmer, salt, light -$450
Tank, stand, sumps, overflow, pump, heaters, skimmer, salt, light, live rock - $520
Take everything listed above - $550 (worth well over $1500's sad to say)

Can make other bundle deals, just email what you'd like.
This set-up was up and running for 7 years, no issues, just time to get out of the hobby for me.
Thanks for looking

Can send pics by email, email if interested @
30G Mixed Reef. Breeding Ocellaris in RBTA. Tail spot Blenny. Green (male) Mandarin. Hi-fin Red Goby w/ Pistol.
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Old 12-20-2014, 06:20 PM
BlazingArrow BlazingArrow is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 27
BlazingArrow is on a distinguished road

I have a full salt-water aquarium, drilled with sump set-up. It is a unique size of 32gallon display and has both a 10 gallon and 20 gallon sumps available for use. I just recently shut it down and have the following for sale.

Willing to make bundle prices (see bottom of posting) and definitely will negotiate.

32G display - 31.5" long x 17.75 high (top to bottom) x 13.75 wide (front to back) - a few small scratches - dual drilled at top back for returns from pump in sump $40
Fitted stand for tank, exact same foot print under tank and smaller at base on floor, customized for more stability for sump $20

20G sump - no baffles -$15
10gallon sump with baffles - $15
All 4 together tank, stand, 2 sumps for $60!

Eheim 3000 return pump - super quiet 400-800 gallons per hour - used for two years - $60
I had really good flow on tank from using this pump.

Corallife light fixture - 150w metal halide, 2 x 65w PC (PC ballast is malfunctioning, needs to be replaced, or LED or T5 DIY retrofit would work, PC bulbs are both <6 months old) $40
+ hanging kit and legs for tank - $20
$50 for both

CPR C dual overflow - 800GPH with herbie modified (safer) overflow system and aqua lifter pump - $80

Corallife salt 5G salt bucket (2/3 full) - $20. Or free with other purchase

Heaters - 200w - $20
- 100w - $15

Timers -$5 each x 3
Return snap tight fittings
Various test kits $free with other purchase or $1
Hydrometer - $5
Water jugs (20L) - $1 each, have 4

Live rock - over 35 pounds of live rock ready to start a saltwater set-up - $40
(Paid well over $200 for it originally)

tank, stand, sumps - $60
Tank, stand, sumps, light - $100
Tank, stand, sumps, overflow and pump - $180 + light $220
Tank stand, sumps, overflow, pump, salt - $200
Tank, stand, sumps, overflow, pump, heaters, salt, light -$260
Tank, stand, sumps, overflow, pump, heaters, salt, light, live rock - $300
Take everything listed above - $399 (worth well over $1500's sad to say)

Can make other bundle deals, just email what you'd like.
This set-up was up and running for 7 years, no issues, just time to get out of the hobby for me.
Thanks for looking

Can send pics by email, email if interested @
30G Mixed Reef. Breeding Ocellaris in RBTA. Tail spot Blenny. Green (male) Mandarin. Hi-fin Red Goby w/ Pistol.
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