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Old 10-18-2014, 12:10 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Default Save my tank!

Up until last week my tank been battling long hair algae and most my sps lost color and turned semi brown but my LPS and zoas were thriving. Till the first day of the semi crash I saw most of my sps frags totally dead overnight with its skin peeled off but doesn't look like RTN. Some of my largest colonies are having STN. None of my zoas of diff types are opened and LPS are opened a lol smaller than usual but still looks healthy. I did a large 40g water change for my 75g system and it seem to have help stopped the sps wipeout so far but colonies still STN. The first night that I notice my sps dying I did a water test and saw my KH was around 9. I always keep my KH around 7 and I normally always have a problem with it dropped but I don't now how it raised. I use a auto doser and the amt I dose is always the same. My cal and mag is the same as it's always been ca 330 an mag mid 1300s. I rly need help I am lost in what to from
Here and any tip will help. Or even if someone is nice enough to come over and see my system to see what I am doing wrong or can improve on.
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Old 10-18-2014, 01:18 AM
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CA should be higher than 330. At least 380, preferably 400ish. Alk of 9 is fine.
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Old 10-18-2014, 01:57 AM
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I keep my alk at 9-10, ca at 450 and mag at 1400. Don't think those are your problems though. Id be testing phosphates and nitrates asap.
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Old 10-18-2014, 02:14 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Also check for aefw if you haven't yet may not be root cause but one of many
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Old 10-18-2014, 03:19 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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My phosphate an nitrate always shows 0 but I'm pretty sure it's there ur to all my long hair algae and tons of Ditris I hVe on my rocks n bottom of sump. Phosphate I use salifert and nitrate is seachem. My sea hair I got last week back split and died today. I had a fish die last week I'm not sure it if was natural cause or not cuz all my other fishes r rly healthy. My shrimps n crabs ate the dead fish n by the time I notice there was only the head spine and tail fin left. I'm goin to do another 40g water change tomorrow.
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Old 10-18-2014, 03:20 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
Also check for aefw if you haven't yet may not be root cause but one of many
What do they look like
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Old 10-18-2014, 03:23 AM
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very very hard to see. tiny little flat worms on your acros. I think that is unlikely though.
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Old 10-18-2014, 04:06 AM
Skim Skim is offline
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Coral was colourful and started to turn brown, most of the time it mean's Phosphate and build up of Organics.

This is what I would do. Pull any GFO and GAC and go get some Seachem Purigen and couple of the Seachem " The Bag " put it your sump or better would be Canister or a AquaClear Hang on. This stuff removes Organics quickly and you should see things get better and your Phosphates should drop also.
The other thing is make sure your skimmer is working at 100% clean the neck and make sure there is no blockage of the Air supply.
Do not dose or add any 2 part solution if that's what you use for now as it also adds Trace Elements that could feed the Algae.
Good Luck!


Last edited by Skim; 10-18-2014 at 04:10 AM.
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Old 10-18-2014, 04:29 AM
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What have you done/changed over the last 2 or 3 months ?

I know with my tank I've run into problems that caused some hair algae.
From there, my corals started to suffer as I didn't address my higher-than-normal PO4 and I not only got some browning corals, but I also ended up with a fully blown out GHA issue. It was everywhere and out of control

I lost a couple SPS during the battle. Some due to GHA, and some due to my over-zealous hydrogen peroxide dosing ... my whole tank went into shock after I decided to kill every last living spot of GHA I could see.
It worked for a couple weeks, and my corals are coming back, but I'd not do it again so aggressively

I ended up doing a lot of small carbon changes to try to remove whatever happened to my tank as I still have no idea what happened.
Near as I can tell I killed a bunch of bacteria ..
Regardless, if your corals are upset, carbon is your friend

My softies survived all this just fine, as they will mostly do

Hi PO4 can upset SPS, and so can fluctuations in salinity and Alk

As Brad stated, your Ca is a bit low, and IMHO your Alk could be a tad higher.
I like to try my best to hit 7-8 Alk, 410-420 Ca and 1350 Mag

Keeping your Alk just a tad higher (7.5) gives you the wiggle room if your corals start to use more. Keeping it @ 7 is OK, but if they use more than normal, it can dip too low before you know it

The best thing you can do is keep it stable for now and, as I'm doing, ride it out and see if things turn around

Good luck dude
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Old 10-18-2014, 09:04 AM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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So here's what changed. About 2-3 months ago my tank was beautiful no algae in sight and my sps were super vibrant n just pops. Till one day I saw some hair algae n just left it alone. Next thing u no it my tank was had a full blown long hair algae outbreak. It began to smother zoas n sps etc but the colours were still vibrant none he less. I bought more larger sps and had no room to place it so I have to put it at the end of my tank but I'm only running 1 16" led fixture on a 4' tank so I decided to raise my lights about 5-6" higher to make sure my new colonies had light shine on them. The very next day most of my sps all browned out right away due to the shock of light I'm sure. I lowered it a few days later back to the original height but my vibrant sps colours didn't rly come back and I was stuck with an ugly brown tank filled with long hair algae. So after seeking for advice here I tried getting a reactor n filled it with about 2" of rowaphos. Then few weeks later is when I had my semi tank sps crash. I'm thinking there's something in my rocks. I did purchase a bunch of base rock and bleach/ muriatic acid bath and put my tank water in it so it will cycle faster. I'm planning to swap all the rocks in my tank with my new rocks when it's done cycling. I'm not sure if using my old tank water is a good idea to cycle the new rocks or not but so far I only did it once and didn't change the water yet. I'm planning to drain the water and fill it with my tank water again tomorrow when I change the water or should I just make new clean saltwater for my new rocks?
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