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Old 09-23-2004, 04:11 AM
IrishReefer IrishReefer is offline
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Default Water in Alberta


I would like to do a water change this weekend but I am unhappy about using the water available on the acreage we are renting - We have been advised not to drink it and it is treated with various chemicals etc.
How do other people in similar circumstances source their water?
Buy their own R/O unit?
Buy distilled water from supermarket?
Use the well water and treat with chemicals?

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Old 09-23-2004, 05:57 AM
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Hi there brian
It depends on your tank
on th size that is.
If you have a small tank then buy your water ,or lots of people are buying there RO/ , or RO/DI unit and adding it to there topp off for the sump or tunze topp off system.

It's going to be all up to you

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Old 09-23-2004, 06:09 AM
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Tagging along too. Does anybody here use regular city tap water?

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Old 09-23-2004, 07:10 AM
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I use tap water. I treat it with a product called "Prime".

I used to buy R/O water from Safeway in the big water cooler jugs but got so tired of hauling up the heavy water bottles (4 storey walk up) and I would go through water bottles pretty fast. But then again I do have three tanks.

I do notice over the years that the Edmonton city tap water is not softened like it used to be, its now quite hard. I did also notice in my tank after I started using tap water that I discovered problem algae's. There are a lot of silicates in the water that I learned fuesl the algae.
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Old 09-23-2004, 07:18 AM
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Ive got an RO but its also used for drinking water and mixing to soften city water for breeding freshwater fish. Got into saltwater later on and just started with it.

same as bullets, used to buy the bottles but was going through 4-6 a day. and quite a few places ended up with more than a bit of ammonia in their "RO" from overdue filters.

got a 4 stage 100gpd for 250 bucks, but the 75gpd membranes give lower tds in their product, usually dont need to bother with a DI then.

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Old 09-23-2004, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: Water in Alberta

Hi Brian,

When we had onlly our 7g nano, we simply bought RO water from the store. But with our larger tanks, in various residences (all using city water) we've had our own RO or RO/DI unit. I would test bottled water (both RO and distilled) for ammonia before using and treat it with Prime if there is any ammonia.

If you have a well, who is treating it with chemicals, and do you know what chemicals they are?

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Old 09-23-2004, 02:39 PM
Nemain Nemain is offline
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I was using bottled water and was struggling with hair/bubble/cyano. Although the company I was buying it from insisted it couldnt possibly be thier water. I bought my own RO/Di - virtually no bad algae.

The little units you can buy are amazing. If the water is unsafe for Human consumption, that doesnt neceissarily mean it is unsafe for fish though. I would deffinately test the water out of your tap before you make any firm decisions =)

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Old 09-23-2004, 02:51 PM
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The RO/DI unit would probably work great for you, but with a High TDS, you'll probably have to replace your filter cartridges more often. Also, if it is well water, you'd probably have to get a booster pump to bump up the pressure to the RO membrane. In the end though, I think this will probably be cheaper than buying bottled water and hauling it out ever week.
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Old 09-23-2004, 03:32 PM
IrishReefer IrishReefer is offline
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Thanks for all your replies - The tank is only a 55 gal so it shouldn't be too bad lugging bottled water. Long term I would set up RO/DI but because we are only renting the place I don't want to go to that extent yet. There is an automatic water softner installed and I am not sure what chemicals the landlord puts in but there is a strong smell of iron/metal from the water! I guess I will buy some water and test it - and treat with prime if there is ammonia or nitrates?

Thanks again,

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Old 09-23-2004, 03:56 PM
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Originally Posted by IrishReefer
Long term I would set up RO/DI but because we are only renting the place I don't want to go to that extent yet.
When you buy a RO unit, it comes with an adapter to attach it to your sink faucet. This means it's portable and you take it with you when you move.
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