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Old 08-03-2014, 03:24 AM
EdsonFOWLR EdsonFOWLR is offline
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Default Fish questions!

Anyone have experience with the following fish, orange spotted sleeper goby, Engineer goby, Baugai Cardinal? The gobys I haven't seen any more after the second day and I wounder if they are still alive. The Baugai Cardenl doesent seem to eat as much as the little fire fish I have. Also at the same time I added a Christmas wrasse that hid under the sand for a day and when it did come out it was breathing really hard and just layed on the sand. After a few hours it died. The rest of the inverts (skunk cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp) and fish are fine. Just woundering if I should worrie about the gobys and what happened to the wrasse. The tank is a 122 Gallon FOWLR tank.
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Old 08-03-2014, 04:33 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I would check your water parameters. Fish already in the tank can build up a tolerance as levels increase slowly but new arrivals don't have that. Did you quarantine the fish before placing them in the display tank? I've only had the orange spotted goby of the ones mentioned and it was always out in the open sifting sand, wrasses can be shy and sometimes will disappear into the rocks and sand for a few days, especially in other fish started picking on them. I could usually coax them out into the open with frozen mysis soaked in garlic extract, just put in a few at the time so the smell fills the tank and you don't get a bunch of uneaten food in the tank.
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Old 08-04-2014, 02:01 AM
EdsonFOWLR EdsonFOWLR is offline
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After 2 days both gobys (orange spot, and engineer) are doing well and coming out on a regular bases. The fire fish is also doing well. I think the wrasse didn't like the 83F temp and the 2hr drive home on a bumpy highway probily didn't help. I am leaning towards the temp being to the wrasses liking as the listed range I could find online was 72-78F, but the lowest I can get my tank to in this hot summer weather is 80.0F.
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Old 08-04-2014, 05:12 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Good to hear. My orange spot was a great fish (sold him when I went bare bottom) kept the sand stirred well and didn't take mouthfuls of sand and dump them on my corals.
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Old 08-20-2014, 05:02 PM
EdsonFOWLR EdsonFOWLR is offline
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Tried again with a wrasse and added a Melauurus Wrasse which is doing good right from the start. He eats well and stayed out until 9-9:30pm and then buried himself and went to sleep. I also added a royal grammas, arrow crab, and yellow tang. The yellow duals with my tomini alittle bit but otherwise is fine and eats well.
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Old 08-20-2014, 05:35 PM
jordsyke jordsyke is offline
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My cardinals only eat brine shrimp, so try that if you havent already
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Old 08-20-2014, 07:37 PM
EdsonFOWLR EdsonFOWLR is offline
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Originally Posted by jordsyke View Post
My cardinals only eat brine shrimp, so try that if you havent already
My cardinal seems to like the brne and Mysis shrimp
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