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Old 09-17-2004, 02:18 AM
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Well, I'm gonna bring some $$.

And I'd like to get some xenia because I go thru a lot here....

I have a three types of birdsnests and if anyone wants a frag I can bring those for trading.

Also have pectinia and cactus coral.

I can bring the mini-bristle detritus stars as well, or your basic bristleworm...

PM if I should bring 'em.

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Old 09-17-2004, 08:35 AM
Pappa Pappa is offline
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1. zulu_principle
2. Zerandise
3. jack
4. bluetang
5. Jaws
6. hockey nut
7. christyf5
8. EmilyB
9. reef_raf
10. ProPs
11. Griffin
12. Topreef
14. Snoop Dog
15. reefhawk
16. IslandReefer
17. colourfuldog
18. chin_lee
19. Chad
20. Gujustud
21. Lostmind
22. Pansy-Paws
23. Ryan Doherty
24. Scales
25. aznufo
26. Jason McK
27. Marlboro Man
28. Pappa
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Old 09-17-2004, 04:24 PM
Jedi68 Jedi68 is offline
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Count me in...

1. zulu_principle
2. Zerandise
3. jack
4. bluetang
5. Jaws
6. hockey nut
7. christyf5
8. EmilyB
9. reef_raf
10. ProPs
11. Griffin
12. Topreef
14. Snoop Dog
15. reefhawk
16. IslandReefer
17. colourfuldog
18. chin_lee
19. Chad
20. Gujustud
21. Lostmind
22. Pansy-Paws
23. Ryan Doherty
24. Scales
25. aznufo
26. Jason McK
27. Marlboro Man
28. Pappa
29. Jedi68

I am bringing my lunch money and the following:
1-24" PFO reflector
1 Hydnophora frag
1 Acro Tenuis frag
1 small colony purple tip acro
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Old 09-19-2004, 12:59 AM
marlboro man marlboro man is offline
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I would like to get a Remora skimmer for my tank.

Can we possibly do a group buy on it?

also want Cyclop-Eze as well.
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Old 09-20-2004, 09:51 PM
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Not sure if I need to join the club or not, I dont even know how to, but Im very interested in going. I also need directions as I am coming from the "Wack".

Count me in...

1. zulu_principle
2. Zerandise
3. jack
4. bluetang
5. Jaws
6. hockey nut
7. christyf5
8. EmilyB
9. reef_raf
10. ProPs
11. Griffin
12. Topreef
14. Snoop Dog
15. reefhawk
16. IslandReefer
17. colourfuldog
18. chin_lee
19. Chad
20. Gujustud
21. Lostmind
22. Pansy-Paws
23. Ryan Doherty
24. Scales
25. aznufo
26. Jason McK
27. Marlboro Man
28. Pappa
29. Jedi68
30. Corey
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Old 09-20-2004, 09:56 PM
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christyf5 christyf5 is offline
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Well Corey, being the newbie of the group, you have to bring beer for everyone. Then you're a member!

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Every electronic component is shipped with smoke stored deep inside.... only a real genius can find a way to set it free.
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Old 09-21-2004, 12:43 AM
pocilipora pocilipora is offline
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Im in
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Old 09-21-2004, 01:13 AM
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Done deal! As long as you bring some "Ultra Zoos".
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Old 09-21-2004, 06:40 AM
robert robert is offline
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Count me in... I want to get some frags, but I have none to trade in, will $$$$ be accepted?

1. zulu_principle
2. Zerandise
3. jack
4. bluetang
5. Jaws
6. hockey nut
7. christyf5
8. EmilyB
9. reef_raf
10. ProPs
11. Griffin
12. Topreef
14. Snoop Dog
15. reefhawk
16. IslandReefer
17. colourfuldog
18. chin_lee
19. Chad
20. Gujustud
21. Lostmind
22. Pansy-Paws
23. Ryan Doherty
24. Scales
25. aznufo
26. Jason McK
27. Marlboro Man
28. Pappa
29. Jedi68
30. Corey
31. Robert
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Old 09-25-2004, 11:08 PM
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sumpfinfishe sumpfinfishe is offline
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I'm in as long as i can kick this pneumonia
I will have 5-6 green forgspawn frags and also a large branch of gorgonian if anyone is interested

1. zulu_principle
2. Zerandise
3. jack
4. bluetang
5. Jaws
6. hockey nut
7. christyf5
8. EmilyB
9. reef_raf
10. ProPs
11. Griffin
12. Topreef
14. Snoop Dog
15. reefhawk
16. IslandReefer
17. colourfuldog
18. chin_lee
19. Chad
20. Gujustud
21. Lostmind
22. Pansy-Paws
23. Ryan Doherty
24. Scales
25. aznufo
26. Jason McK
27. Marlboro Man
28. Pappa
29. Jedi68
30. Corey
31. Robert
32. Sumpfinfishe
cheers, Rich

all that we do is touched with ocean,
yet we remain on the shore of what we know
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