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Old 06-15-2014, 09:38 PM
Rory Rory is offline
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Default Ich in DT

So I found what might be a couple ich cysts on one of my clowns in my display tank. Problem is I already have a labouti wrasse and firefish in qt ending a copper treatment due to ich immediately after purchase. I didn't treat the fish in DT with copper because I didn't feel the need to. Not sure if I should transfer old fish to qt and treat because qt tank is only 15 gallon and the new fish are just ending 4 week copper treatment. Any insight would be appreciated!

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Old 06-15-2014, 10:38 PM
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a 3rd tank might be a good idea.

Problem is you cannot put the firefish and labouti back for 72 days after you remove all the fish in the DT to be ich free. Or if you think they can all survive in the 15g for 3 more months then keeping those 2 in copper for an extra 4 weeks should not be a huge deal.
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Old 06-15-2014, 11:10 PM
Rory Rory is offline
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Doh! am I kicking myself for not dosing copper as a preventative!

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Old 06-16-2014, 01:45 AM
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you are a braver man than I exposing a fish as expensive as a labouti to copper. I lost a perfectly healthy rhomboid wrasse to copper (following instructions to a a T) and that was the last time that stuff had any place in my fish care and quarantine routine. If you're going to get another tank anyway, look in to the tank transfer method.

Also, keeping a fish immersed in a toxic, potent, metabolic poison for weeks longer than recommended by any instruction anywhere is a terrible idea. If you're going to use copper, use it only for the amount of time the instructions for that product recommend with careful twice daily testing. I'm sure there are plenty of people who've done it and gotten away with it, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who've fallen asleep smoking without burning their houses down too. It doesn't make it a good idea.

My advice would be to put the labouti and the fire fish in the display and wait and see. I'd want to know for sure that it's ich before going to the lengths and extremes you'll have to to rid that tank of the parasite. The cure for ich is worse than ich as many times as it isn't. If your display tank has ich in it, you may very well never have any real problem. Your wrasse and fire fish may very well tolerate it fine, and you may very well go months, weeks, or years without seeing so much as a blemish. A knee jerk reaction now based on one or two spots that *might* be ich is far more likely to kill your fish.

If it does turn out to be ich, and it becomes a big enough problem to warrant intervening, you then only have to deal with one QT tank (though I still recommend tank transfer, or really anything other than copper) and you can treat all your fish at once.
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Old 06-16-2014, 03:37 AM
Rory Rory is offline
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Funny thing, I am constantly scouring forums and this is the first time I've heard of the ttm. I think I will follow asylums advice and transfer fish to DT and observe very close for an outbreak. Seeing as I don't have the means to quarantine corals, there will always be the possibility of bringing in ich or other unwanted organisms, negating the precautionary procedures taken. That being said in the event of an outbreak, I am now more partial to the idea of the ttm!

Thanks for your input mates!

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Old 06-16-2014, 04:02 AM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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I agree with brad as well. Almost every tank has ich in it, some strands may be worse then others. I know i have ich in my tank but if everything is happy and healthy no one shows any signs of it. If i change a tonne or if for some wacked reason my salinity changes my sensitive fish like my regal tang and blue throat trigger will show signs almost instantly so i quickly find out whats wrong and fix it and within 3 hours all signs of ich are gone.

And are you sure it was ich? both wrasses and fire fish sleep in the sand so it could have been sand on them?
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Old 06-16-2014, 04:07 AM
Rory Rory is offline
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It was definitely ich. A few days after I brought them home I noticed a couple salt specs, and a few days later the wrasse was covered in cysts. My qt is just bare bottom

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