It's my first day on CanReef!! Hey all!!
I have been around the reefing/saltwater hobby for the past 12 years, living at home my father rans his reef tanks up to this day, I helped him run it, learning as I go to start my own, he acually set up a quarantine aquarium in my bedroom, well now I live on my own and have had my own very successful setup for about a year and a half. It was thrown together in the matter of a couple weeks, very little planning! It's a 56 gallon column aquarium drilled with an custom overflow, Vertex Illumina 12" LED fixture, blah blah. Haha.
And about 8 months ago I started the planning on my new setup, a new custom made Rimless 90 gallon, with an external over flow, it measures 36x24x24. I went with an ADA style stand for this tank. There is a good 3 months on planning and building just in the stand! And an empty wallet, lol. Well here is the tank when I first brought it home,

My nice polished edges

My main design, thanks to google sketchup!

And!! Drum roll!!!
Pluming, my 2 part dosing setup, and other goodies are on order from BRS and should be here any day!
Tell me what you think!! Thanks!!