Yeah, sure can't figure why you would want to raise your nitrates... I spent about a year getting mine down from a high of 100 ppm to zero with bio pellets. They have been zero for about 2 years now. But just a couple of weeks ago, I removed my bio pellet reactor since it wasn't consuming many bio pellets anymore. However, just noticed now that my nitrates are no longer zero. They just barely register some colour now, so still less than 5, but not zero anymore. I was surprised actually, and will definitely keep a close watch with my testing. If they continue to rise, will install the bio pellet reactor again.
My phosphates are running around .04 - .08 lately, too high IMO. I had them down to zero last year, too, and had my best SPS growth and colour then,.. and no algae. I think P04 actually has the biggest effect on SPS growth. Some SPS (birdsnest, valida, montis, etc) of course grow just fine with higher nutrients. But my deep water smoothies definitely like the low P04.