Originally Posted by albert_dao
Am I the only one on the planet who barely made it through this documentary without throwing my mug at the screen? Why does everyone love this so much? Is it because of Jiro? The technicality of the piece? Sushi? Or maybe they love his charming son? What the hell is it?
Or maybe everyone just loves living vicariously... <___<
Yes, I agree with you on this one. I did feel that way at times. It's certainly on the drier side of documentaries amd takes sushi to a snobby level.
I think for me, being the ultra-precise, anal retentive perfectionist that I am, and also being a great lover of food/amateur chef, loved the technical degrees that they would go to at times in search of perfection. I understand the thought process and approach, so I found it fascinating. I'm also the person who has the handmade set of japanese knives that get sharpened on the waterstones every two weeks and loves watching bad-assed knife work.
My brother, on the other hand, is none of those things and, so when he watched it with me, he really didn't enjoy it.
But ya, I've seen more titillating docs than that one. I only listed it because I watched it on the plane last night and it was on my mind.