FS Halo by Lightbox Full Spectrum Par 38 Bulb - CGY
Literally never been used. Remember kids, don't online shop when you're drunk.
I think I intended this to be used for my pico tank, but I didn't have any sort of a fixture to plug it in to, and I already had an awesome light. I really don't know what I was thinking. Seriously. Who does that?
It's been sitting on my desk since May and it needs to live a useful life somewhere. I have confirmed that it does in fact work, but it literally still has a few packing peanuts wedged between the heatsink fins.
I paid $120 plus shipping for it. I'll happily part with it for $90 OBO and consider the $30 depreciation as my penance for being a complete idiot.
Prefer to sell locally, but I'll ship if buyer pays.