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Old 09-20-2002, 02:11 AM
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

Oops, thinking out loud. Never mind.

[ 19 September 2002, 23:26: Message edited by: EmilyB ]
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Old 09-20-2002, 12:41 PM
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

In my opinion we owe it to the critters we keep and our hobby to be concientious reef keepers.

Fantastic statement, BTW! [img]smile.gif[/img]

It seems to me .... If we take the critters out of the ocean, then we owe it to them to somehow make it a worthwhile sacrifice on their part. It's not like they asked to be plucked out of the wild.

It's too bad that most of us don't have the means to set up a 12' - 16' tank though. :(
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Old 09-20-2002, 09:08 PM
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

I agree, excellent statement naesco!!

One comment, or question if you will, I have regarding some statements made earlier about raising, and then returning fish to the LFS.

How can someone buy a small tang, put it in a small tank until it grows, and then return it or trade it in to the LFS? Don't you get too attached to the fish to just give it away?
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Old 09-20-2002, 11:18 PM
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

Thanks Delphinus for the kind words.
And also thanks, son. ;)

I am sure I speak for almost everyone on the board when I say that it would be almost impossible to return a blue (regal) tang that you bought as a baby (they are definitely a fish you get attached to real quick)after keeping it a few months in your tank.

That is why it is so much easier on the tang and you, sumpfinfishy, if you return the tang now or trade it with a fellow reefer you have met with a larger tank than a 27 gallon. Please.

[ 20 September 2002, 19:20: Message edited by: naesco ]
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Old 09-20-2002, 11:44 PM
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

BTW, how is Half Pint O'Tang doing Tony ? ;)
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Old 09-22-2002, 02:51 AM
billc billc is offline
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

Talk about some good and thought out arguments... If this was a debate I don't know who to vote for.. But being the pea sized brained OKIE I was raised as, some of this makes sence..

First when you where a little kid didn't the house seem larger than when you'r an adult?? Smaller size equals more places to hide in.. Under the bed, fort in the closet ect. I think fish and all animals behave in much the same way.. Watch a puppie or a kitten as to where they play.. But on the flip side watch the adult. A St. Benard or Great Dane is very happy as a puppy in a small apt but soon grows out of space as it matures..

Next look at how the enviornment we live in changes our lifestyles but not our major health.. Being raised in Oklahoma in tornado alley I became use to the violent storms. I then moved to the mountians of Colorado in an area which is plauged by avalanches and severe winter storms which are common at hight altitudes. I survived the the change. Moved back to OK. and the heat. Once again survived. Now in Iowa where the climate is a full 4 seasons. Still alive and kicking..

I think most animals are capable of adapting to their environment as long as it is not too encroaching

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Old 09-22-2002, 05:18 AM
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

Yes of course I get attached to my Tangs, however some people are having troubles reading or remembering the entire threads, ie: "when a tang outgrows my reef it is given to a friend or my roomate"-so I can see these fish remain happy and healthy anytime I want. "Some fishes keepers" I tell ya, what do you think I do it for-the money, com"on I'm not a used tang salesmen for peatsakes.
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Old 09-22-2002, 06:09 AM
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

You sure have a Sales pitch..."Some Fishes Keepers" I tell ya... :D ;) :rolleyes: [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 22 September 2002, 04:08: Message edited by: MAK ]
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Old 09-22-2002, 12:50 PM
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

With everyones statements here ,they are all awesome and very professional. IMO :cool: I think the biggest problems on these boards are the lack of money to Some people. And people I have see that can't take constructive critisism.
Someone may have a idea on something, which is cool. But some one may not see it as cool turnes around and knocks that persons idea or way of doing it. It may not be wrong to the person doing it, due to maybe that is the way he was taught or shown. That's way there are many ways of doing a reef tank. But there is only one way to do a REEF tank. Leave it alone in the OCeans for mother nature to take care of. Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm the first to tell you i know nothing at all ,but learn very quickly to make a beautiful tank with the resourses tha i have. But i will see some NEG issues out of this. YOIU GOTTA LOVE FREE SPEECH!!!! :D :D
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Old 09-23-2002, 05:13 AM
Diomedes Diomedes is offline
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Default Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...

I have been thinking about something for a while...why isn't this a hot topic for Centropyge (pygmy) angels, Large angels, Triggerfish, Puffers etc. etc. After all, Triggers and Puffers are roaming predators?
I THINK (not altogether too certainly) that it is because Tangs invariably are the favourite (maybe only) centerpiece fish in reef tanks. It has been really interesting (and thought provoking) to hear all of the responses and debate. It is clear to me, at least, that there are very few aquarists on this board that would endorse any purchase of a Med to Lg Tang, and a large number of conscientious people who extend the same courtesy to juveniles as well...I Share the same values in regards to the first group. I don't feel that I can naturally shape and nurture the development of my reef tank while there is a Tang attempting a 12-point turn in my 75 gallon. But on the subject of Juveniles....I have enjoyed trading in my personal (and proffesional - ie job related) Tangs to Tak at the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Center. He loves Tangs and invariably finds at least 400 gallons for them. Many of my Naso's, Yellows, a Powder blue, are still there as of last week when I dropped in. So I am all for trading up, and I feel that it is my devotion and attachment that causes me to do so. One thing is for sure, I will give them away in great condition with a fat little belly that has nothing to do with internal parasites. HeHe

Another thought - Why would it be that some Acanthuriids (tangs) mimic Centropyge spp. angelfish as Juveniles? I think (this is only a theory) that they also display the crytic, territorial behavior of these Dwarf angels when they are young. Borneman said it true when he proclaimed "The reef is a battle ground" Or was it "War Zone" ah whatever I don't remember exactly and I am too lazy to go downstairs and give you guys the direct quote.
It would be prudent on the part of a small tang to be very careful when he shows his ass outside of a coral head of some other crevice. Maybe only to get food and return to his lot, because you can bet there are a lot of hungry reef junkies that could benefit from a nutritious lottle omega-3 snackbar. So, many of you might see this as another attempt to justify my belief in keeping juvenile tangs. Well this isn't an attempt to justify - I just find it a curious thing (worthy of research) as to why two prominent reef tang species mimic cryptic (not roaming) fish. In general, mimics not only display morphological (physical characteristics) mimicry but also display behavioral mimicry as well.

Have you ever gotten the wrong type of Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus)?

But when all is said and done, I recognize and admire the restraint of others who can resist trying to care for these little beauties, regardless if their beliefs are based on a world authority, their own private studies, or just a hunch that their little guys aren't happy. Whatever way you do it, if it is done well and things are growing and reproducing then invite me over and supply the beer.

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