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Old 08-15-2013, 03:56 PM
Bryan_k47 Bryan_k47 is offline
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What would you suggest Madreefer ?
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Old 08-15-2013, 04:14 PM
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With your setup just continue using what you have. Take out any sponge or whatever is in that filter and fill it with liverock rubble. I'm not up on the cannister filters as it's been years since I ran one. And just regular WC's. If your carbon is'nt old I cant see why you should have cloudy water. You sure it's not microbubbles?
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Old 08-15-2013, 05:41 PM
Bryan_k47 Bryan_k47 is offline
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Well the tank has only been running for about 6-8 weeks. I started with dead rock. The rock is covered in dark green now.
I'm running a Par38 light on it.

I'm gonna pull the sponge filter and run a bag of carbon and phosguard in the hob I think
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Old 08-15-2013, 06:16 PM
JmeJReefer JmeJReefer is offline
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The refugium acts as nutrient control, and a safehouse for pods n critters. water changes done regularly will control this as well. Do you feed live/frozen foods? That will affect a nano hugely! A quality flake or pellet food seems to heavily reduce nutrients that frozen foods put in...
Have you a test kit for nutrients? It will help ya narrow down Wut could be a source for trouble...
There r many arguments for and against a nano-refugium type setup (usually modded aqua clears), I have tried both and found that they are beneficial, and can clear up the display ei; you can stuff ur heater n such in there for a cleaner look!
This coupled with a solid maintenance routine will do the trick!
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Old 08-20-2013, 01:53 PM
MarieH MarieH is offline
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Default aquaclear 110

I'm using the big 110 on a 10g nano. I cut the impeller each opposing flange to reduce the flow. I cut the media basket, made a screen out of the bottom section, to keep chaeto inside,used the side scetions to partition baffles. In it I have 6.5 ounce bag of chemipure elite, chaeto in the mid section, and an aquaticlife mini skimmer. I put my tetra heater in the intake division. Nothing inside the tank except the intake tube and a koralia nano 240 powerhead. Nice n neat. I have a clip on led lamp and light the chaeto at night. I'm using a 38 par bulb with an 80 degree spread. Its all humming along nicely. Aquaclears rule. IN makes media baskets for all the aquaclears but its cheaper and easy to diy.
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Old 08-22-2013, 10:20 PM
Koleswrath Koleswrath is offline
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This is an interesting and simple way to approach nanos/picos. Same basic methodology as The Reef Tank's "Reefkeeping Made Easy" (which is a must read in my opinion - unfortunately it's 50+ pages long)

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Old 09-07-2013, 10:07 AM
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Default Nano Refugium

Interesting ideas, running a 2.5 gallon refugium on my 20 long i would have to agree, nano tanks are easy with a refugium, mine doesn't have any other filter system and as a result I don't really have to do 25 percent water changes, once a month, the cheato from the fuge cleans the water, and creates a haven for tons of bugs, hang on back the bigger the better as it will also increase your overall tank size , say 7 gallon with a 2.5 now you've got a 9.5, never ending supply of bugs, filter that can help you control the stability of a small system, and increase your bio load while doing less water changes and maintenance, can't see running a tank with out one now that i have one,night and day from before. My only regret is that I didn't buy the 5 gallon refugium, next time I guess.
20 long reef 3 years in
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Old 09-15-2013, 02:56 AM
Baker Baker is offline
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I have to agree with the fuge. I had a 3 gallon picotope and had about 6lbs of rock and running a ac70 modded fuge and I rarely did any water changes. The tank was super clean and really healthy. I ran a bag of carbon and live rock rubble below the chaeto.
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