Funny you should mention that kien.
Came home one day last week, had a peak at the tank after walking in the door and everyone was there and accounted for. Came back down about 1-1.5hrs later to feed the tank.. Put the food in, stood back to watch... most of the food was gone when I thought to myself.. "There seems to be a lack of yellow in the tank...hmmm"
Start looking around in the rocks and sure as sh!t, BOTH my Candy Hogfish and Yellow Coris Wrasse are missing. Immediately I checked the surrounding floor to see if they had been spooked and jumped. Nope, no bodies laying around so next was checking the Overflow. BINGO! Sort of.. The Candy Hogfish had managed to stay away from the suction of the main drain and was chillin in the corner of the overflow box. Netted him and got him back in the tank.
Next was trying to find the Wrasse. I started looking around the refuge, nothing, then in the skimmer section of my sump. Nothing that I could see. My last thought was the return pump section, which I thought would be highly unlikely but somehow that little bugger made it through my baffle system and was in the return section. I tried netting him but he was too bloody quick and the space was too confined with the pump in there. So I had to shut down my main pump, un-couple and remove it. By then I stirred up enough detritus that I couldn't even see the darn fish anymore. In the end I tired him out trying to blindly catch him in the net and he just cowered in the corner. Finally got him back into the main Display. He looked a little beat up but he seems to be doing well now.
I HAVE to take care of this gaping hole in my overflow teeth. (or my fish need to grow fat enough to stay out).