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Old 05-18-2013, 08:37 PM
Magma Magma is offline
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Magma is on a distinguished road

Had some ups and downs with this since the transfer. But its back on track finally... So few updated pics of the tank and a new stock list.

~Stock List~


~Blue Tang
~False Perc
~6 Line Wrasse
~Banggai Cardinal
~Yellow Tail Damsel
~3 Strip Damsel
~Coral Beauty


~2 emerald crabs
~10 hermits
~10 Astraea Snails
~5 Cerith Snail
~3 Nassarius Snail


~4 Devils Hand Frags
~Pom Pom Xenia
~Colt Coral
~2 blue/green zoa frags
~Large Purple Acan Frag

Full Tank Shot May 18th 2013
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Old 07-08-2013, 05:57 PM
Magma Magma is offline
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Magma is on a distinguished road

Well it has been a few months so how about an update and some more pictures.

The tank transfer was just a disaster most of my coral sucked up and fizzled away and now almost 3 months later the corals are just starting to open back and colour up. What a long road this has been.

I upgraded my skimmer and added a Dual Media Reactor which I scored of Kijiji for a great price.

Running a SWC Xtreme 160 Cone Protein Skimmer and I have to say WOW. Before I only been using the hang on back remora skimmers for my old tank but after using this SWC I can see the difference in the nasty paste im pulling out now. Skimmer found here.

Been running GFO and Carbon (BRS media reactor and media), never really run any sort of media before but I did notice the big difference it made within only a day of running it so I am sold on running this for the life of the tank.

New stock list


~Blue Tang
~False Perc
~6 Line Wrasse
~Banggai Cardinal
~Yellow Tail Damsel
~Yellow Tang
~Yellow Eyed Kole Tang
~Coral Beauty


~2 emerald crabs
~20 hermits
~10 Astraea Snails
~5 Cerith Snail
~3 Nassarius Snail
~2 Cleaner Shrimp
~GBTA (aprox 5 of the them 2" big each)
~Maxi Mini Carpet Nem


~4 Devils Hand Frags
~Pom Pom Xenia (Fizzed up but is coming back)
~Colt Coral
~2 blue/green zoa frags
~Orange Zoa
~Light blue/brown zoa
~Green button polpys
~Large Purple Acan Frag
~small red acan
~3 frogspawn frags
~red mushrooms
~4 Misc SPS frags (testers)

My frogspawn "died" when I transferred tanks, but I left the body in the tank just as a piece of Live rock. Well a few heads broke off the main body and I thought nothing of it. Until about a week ago when i noticed the main colony had a head on it. So I looked at the few heads that broke off and I now have 3 different frogspawn frags starting to grow. One head already has some pretty big heads on it and the other 2 are showing signs of 5 heads each. Once they start to grow more i will try and mount them on plugs. I cant believe that my favorite coral is making a come back when I thought for sure it was a lost cause.

Now time for pictures! (Sorry iphone quality...)

Zoa Garden

More Zoas

More Zoas

Large Acans

Red Acans

Colt Coral

Not so Dead Frogspawn

FTS July (White LED's Only)

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Old 08-10-2013, 02:08 AM
Magma Magma is offline
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Magma is on a distinguished road

August Update!

I have been starting to grow an addiction to Zoa's...Reef Wonderland has not helped this new addiction because Angus is bringing in some awesome frags.

I haven't noticed them growing much yet but I do notice they have really started to get deeper colours under my LED's. Its only a matter of time before they start to spread like wildfire. Currently have 11 different zoa frags in my tank. Few of them are mixed so 2-3 different types on the same plug.

Picture time! (Sorry its an Iphone..)

Also have some bubble tips which my clowns are now hosting.

Of course because you cant post pictures will a FTS. Still fighting some Cyno but its starting to clear up, might do a chemi clean soon to just get it over with.

Don't think I will be getting to many more frags for a while as my wife and I have just had our first baby on July 28th. So water changes and upkeep for a while only. That's ok though as it lets us watch the color we have start to grow out
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Old 08-10-2013, 02:41 AM
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The Grizz The Grizz is offline
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Coming along nice & congrats on the new addition.
Feed the bear goodies, make a new friend, don't feed the bear...............

8' - 165gal Reef
DIY LED's Build
2012 Nano Contest Winner
Febuary 2013 POTM Winner
300 gal + 60 gal Complete DIY Build
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Old 08-10-2013, 03:23 AM
Magma Magma is offline
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Magma is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
Coming along nice & congrats on the new addition.
Thanks we are happy about him, hes cute as hell. The wife is just happy I got the tank up and going before he arrived.

Hopefully when hes a bit older he can help me out with doing water changes and feedings.

Tanks is still far from anything special in my eyes, but maybe its because I see all the other members awesome tanks (with way more experience on me as well) and I think to myself how do I get a tank looking that awesome! Love that his hobby is always making you ponder. Just takes Time, something that can never go fast enough or goes to fast....

I will try to update a FTS each month.
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Old 08-10-2013, 03:59 PM
reeferfulton reeferfulton is offline
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Cool build. I like the dimensions of your sump. Wish mine was a little less tall like yours. Makes it easier to get things in and out.
Glad to hear things are turning around for you.

Looking good!
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Old 08-10-2013, 04:23 PM
Magma Magma is offline
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Magma is on a distinguished road

Thanks the only thing I would change on both my sump and main display if I was doing it again would be to make them wider front to back. The heights are awesome but a few more inches in the front would allow me to lay some bigger rocks down allowing for more coral
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Old 08-31-2013, 09:26 PM
Magma Magma is offline
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Magma is on a distinguished road

Well today I am so incredible frustrated with this tank. I noticed that one of my drain lines has had a large build up of salt creep lately and I thought nothing much of it. Until today when I came home and saw that the wood my tank is sitting on is starting to turn white...

I think the bulk head itself is cracked and has a very very slow leak just enough to make a trickle of water creep out down the pipe and along the bottom of the tank between the glass and the wood.

Now being one of my first tank builds I though it would be smart to cut a hole just big enough for the bulkheads to fit through when I placed the tank...well this has sure come around to bite me in the backside. I think im going to have to find a way to remove a section of the wood with a dremel tool then cut out the bulk head (because of course I had to glue it in!) and replace with a new one...UGH.

Just dont have the time for this now with a new born...larger tank looks great but so many headaches it seems.
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Old 10-14-2013, 09:39 PM
Antrias Antrias is offline
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Sorry to hear that! Bulkhead leaks suck! I have had to deal with that problem - went away for a weekend come back to a bulkhead leak and water everywhere.

I like your tank though! I bought similar lights to yours - I assume you got them straight from China as well? 140 dollars per 55 led fixture is a win in my books.- I can deal with not being able to control them with an aquarium controller
27gal Reef
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Old 10-14-2013, 10:10 PM
Magma Magma is offline
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Magma is on a distinguished road

Actually bought my LEDS through Reef Supply Canada for 180$ per unit (I think evergrow just recently price dropped these units after I got mine)

I love them I have them set to 50% blue 50% white and my corals are doing fantastic.

Some of the SPS I have were browned out from previous tanks and have now returned to there original colours and even better extension now.

Still have to fix the bulkhead I just dont have the time to do it but I am noticing it slowed down once the salt creep "sealed" it.
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