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Old 06-09-2013, 05:14 AM
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The preserving of the food would be my concern. I double bag mine in freezer bags and that seems to work.

I haven't tested in a while as things had been fine. My temps have been creeping up with the nice weather, thought maybe related, but I know better...
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Old 06-13-2013, 06:23 AM
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Tonight was a total-loss for studying
I opened some paper mail and ended up dealing with some personal crap until 8pm
By then I'd decided it was OK to put some time into modifying the canopy

I've realized some limitations and see I need access doors on the ends, so here's what I have so far ...
Doors are cut, sanded, primed and painted inside
Tomorrow, right before studying, they will get a coat of black on the outside and ends. Then another coat of black after studying before bed

For my home-made food, so far I'm having success using a Foodsaver jar/can lid on a small glass container thingy
Each night I open it briefly to grab a cube and I'm not yet seeing any signs of freezer burn ...

And, because I was growing very tired of dealing with a True Union ball valve to adjust the return flow/overflow level in the DT, I finally (after 6 months) got around to re-doing the plumbing with a Gate Valve that I bought, you guessed it, 6 months ago

The 3rd nem has moved into a spot that I am sure it's not going to like long-term
I'm hoping it doesn't move into any SPS territory anytime soon as I, have I said it before ?, don't have time for extra stuff
Jeez, I almost forgot to add the nem pic
I gotta get some sleep ....

The third nem is the one inside the overhang, underneath and to the right
It used to be between the two others
And, the big one looks like it's going to split again

So much to do, and so little time to sleep
Thanks for looking
I hope to have better updates once I'm caught up with, well, life
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Old 06-13-2013, 03:22 PM
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This is possibly the most well sorted out medium sized tank in here Greg I have always stalked your tank thread but its time to come out and say the truth: its dazzling

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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Old 06-14-2013, 01:52 AM
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Originally Posted by mrhasan View Post
This is possibly the most well sorted out medium sized tank in here Greg I have always stalked your tank thread but its time to come out and say the truth: its dazzling
You must have my tank confused with someone else's, but I'll take the nice words. Thank you Raied
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Old 06-14-2013, 01:55 AM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
You must have my tank confused with someone else's, but I'll take the nice words. Thank you Raied
Not really. I haven't seen anyone putting so much effect on what's outside the tank itself

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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Old 06-14-2013, 04:07 AM
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Disappointing update for me, but maybe it'll help someone else ...

The home-made food is going to have to stay in the freezer for now

Our Bangaii (Banggai?) has never really eaten the new food, so last night I added a small amount of Mysis for him
Now tonight everyone is being picky about the new food
All they want is the Mysis

I'm currently making a new batch of food;
4oz Mysis
4 cubes cyclopeeze (just 'cause it's what's left)
4 cubes plankton (same reason)
Some garlic and omega aminos

I think it was too soon to try the new food blend as nobody is full-grown yet
I hope to use the food when they get bigger, but who knows
Nobody is over 2-1/2" , so I chopped the mix fine
It's probably too small for bigger fish and I'll have to give it to J&L or something ...

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Old 06-17-2013, 04:27 AM
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I took the home-made food to J&L and all their fish ate it up like it was a last meal !
Good thing as I don't want to waste it

I'm gonna stick with the mysis diet for now with my fishies and hope they will become more hungry/adapt to a different diet once they are bigger

If you've been following, you'll know that after I installed the new light surround, I found some limitiations with it
While I was building it I thought, Nah, there's no way I'll need more room than 33" of access, but while I was cutting the wood I was asking Myself about having doors on the ends. Myself told me there's no problem, there's lots of room, so I carried on

Well, it turns out that Myself was quite wrong and I needed doors on the ends
I tried to access an area last week and couldn't get to it, so Myself shouldn't plan stuff without consulting Me first

Here's the mods I made
Sorry for the poor lighting shots
I'll get better pics up one day ...

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Old 06-17-2013, 04:32 AM
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You should have consulted with "I". You see "I" always knows best, me and myself seem to forget who's boss! Keep that in mind next time you start second guessing!

Nice work as always!
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Old 06-17-2013, 04:39 AM
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Thanks Sheena for the reminder about consulting 'I', but it looks like we didn't have a full crew the day we were building

We think 'I' was on holidays as there was no other input that day, so we had to just go with it

'We all' still think it turned out pretty sexy, so it's good

And thanks for the nice comments

Oh, and for the record, We are not going to admit anything about schizophrenia
That's for Grizz's posts

Last edited by gregzz4; 06-17-2013 at 04:43 AM.
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Old 06-17-2013, 05:38 AM
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Well, "they" must have been into the woobly pops, but regardless, it seems the entire team got it figured out!

And you are welcome!

What's thenext project up your sleeve?? I know there's gotta be at least one more
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