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Old 04-12-2013, 06:42 PM
yycguy yycguy is offline
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I will give a thumbs up !!!! For the Apex..... I did consider the Reef Angel but I personally thought the Apex would be a easier setup.
I absolutely love the Apex as I would guess you would with any of the top Controllers .....
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Old 04-12-2013, 07:43 PM
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I love my Apex. It has simplified everything so much!

With Kids there's no way I could keep a tank without the Apex.

THE best purchase I've made for the tank.
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Old 04-12-2013, 08:15 PM
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Have we talked him into it yet???
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Old 04-12-2013, 09:45 PM
madchild madchild is offline
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I seriously looked at the reef angel, but after reading more about it, I was concerned that my coding skills wouldn't be enough to make it so what I want, whereas the apex programming is simple and very very easy to learn.
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Old 04-12-2013, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
I have no idea how you did your price comparaison but the RA with a temp probe, PH, a salinity module, 2 power bars of 8 outlets and wifi is 577 $ not 889$!! that's still 357$ less than the Apex package.
Simple math. And you MUST be forgetting that you need 'expansion modules' for all add ons, like the second power bar, and the salinity monitor.

Here it is broken down -

Controller - $289.00 (I chose the higher model in both cases, APEX as well)
Relay Expansion for Power Bar - $119.00
8 Outlet Powerbar - $99.00
Salinity Expansion Module - $149.00
Salinity Probe - $75.00
Expansion Hub (required when you have more than one - $49.00
Wifi Attachment - $109.00

You add that all up.... (Those extra items are what I would want on my controller, especially a salinity monitor).

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Old 04-12-2013, 10:21 PM
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Well within three days of starting this thread another members Apex has crashed. So for those people following along and comparing profilux to apex, that's one more reason profilux costs more.
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Old 04-12-2013, 10:26 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Well within three days of starting this thread another members Apex has crashed. So for those people following along and comparing profilux to apex, that's one more reason profilux costs more.
Exactly. Never in the history of Profilux has one ever had a problem. lol
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Old 04-12-2013, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Exactly. Never in the history of Profilux has one ever had a problem.
You had a typo, I fixed it for you
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Old 04-12-2013, 10:45 PM
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Simple math? not so simple it seems?

The salinity module come with the probe already. If you are only going to use the salinity module, then you don't need the model at 289$ as the model that I have cost 219$ and does everything as well. The only time the more expensive model is required is when you are going to do a lot of your own programmation with it, which I doubt you would do. And surely much more than what the Apex can do because with the Apex you cannot even add your own coding...that's limited to what's been programmed in there. With the basic unit you still can do lots of your own programmation as well. I did a good analysis of this before choosing the basic or the model with more memory and realized the basic was more than enough for about 99% of the people.

The relay expension come with the relay box as well, so are doing the math without even knowing what you need to calculate. That's why you end up with the wrong total.

So here is the correct math for a system which you said you want, with salinity and 16 outlets, wifi, PH, temp and controllable ATO with 2 float switch.

controller 219$ (Comes with ATO, PH, temp and 8 outlets bar)
wifi 109$
relay expension + 8 outlets relay box 119$
expension hub 49$
salinity module 149$ (come with the salinity probe)

total 645$

that's still far from what the Apex would cost for the same configuration. Even if you choose the model with more memory, which you would not need, you still much lower than with the Apex.

Now how much does the Apex version of this system cost? I would bet that it is more than 1000$. I am now at 1015$ on the goreef web site and I don't even have any ATO included in this.

LOL!? who's loughting?

Originally Posted by FishyFishy! View Post
Simple math. And you MUST be forgetting that you need 'expansion modules' for all add ons, like the second power bar, and the salinity monitor.

Here it is broken down -

Controller - $289.00 (I chose the higher model in both cases, APEX as well)
Relay Expansion for Power Bar - $119.00
8 Outlet Powerbar - $99.00
Salinity Expansion Module - $149.00
Salinity Probe - $75.00
Expansion Hub (required when you have more than one - $49.00
Wifi Attachment - $109.00

You add that all up.... (Those extra items are what I would want on my controller, especially a salinity monitor).
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Last edited by daniella3d; 04-12-2013 at 10:52 PM.
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Old 04-13-2013, 12:46 AM
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My tank's been running fine without a controller for 6+ years now. I've never been able to justify the price for something that's so specific to our hobby. In the end, they're all simply processors with some coding & a display. IMO, with today's technology, there should be generic components available that can be configured to run on any smart phone, notebook, pc, mac, tablet, what have you without having to be a 'reef' thing. I've been looking at home automation systems lately & it looks like things are finally getting to the point where it may be worthwhile. After all, the components used for a reef controller are really only sensors, timers, relays, a display, a low power processor & the appropriate coding/software. It's beyond me why you can't simply buy generic components & hook them up to your smart phone, notebook, tablet.... Sure there are some unique sensors for pH, salinity, etc. but as far as timers, controlled power outlets etc., these items are available for other systems as well, aka home automation. I don't know of too many folks these days that don't have the required processing power in components they already own. It would be nice if a manufacturer would step up & simply provide the sensing components with some cables or wifi that will talk to the components you already have at home.

As far as the $$$ war between apex, reef angel, profilux etc., what the hey, if you can afford a controller & want one, what difference does a couple hundred $$s make? Any electronic/electric/software component is subject to failure, like most things in life. That's why I think 'generic' & noname stuff is preferable since you're not tied to the 'brand' name goodies that are only repairable by the OEM.

end rant...
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Last edited by mike31154; 04-13-2013 at 12:55 AM.
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