Nice setup

I'm glad to see this available locally. What's the expected shelf life? The prices seem fair for the amount of effort involved and the convenience of a local source. I never have understood why some people like to grouse about someone else's prices. If you think it's too high, move on.
This reminds me of overhearing a conversation in the Garden Centre section of Canadian Tire a while back. A rather sour faced gal demanded to see the section manager. She seemed to take great satisfaction mentioning rather loudly that Walmart just across the street was way cheaper. He suggested that while he valued her business, he would understand if she chose to take her business over there. She huffed that well, she was just over there, thank you very much, but they were sold out and THAT's the only reason she was here. The manager grinned and told her that "oh, in that case, when we're out of stock our prices are half of Walmart's." I nearly p*ssed myself.