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Old 02-12-2013, 12:39 AM
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mandyplo mandyplo is offline
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Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
Sorry for your losses!!! I hope all goes well with your qting and treatment.
Thank you Coralgurl, it will hopefully never happen again... It was one of those things where you "live and learn".... I think everyone is too stubborn at first to quarantine, until they experience the wrath of these terrible diseases and parasites that some fish bring in when you try to take short cuts

I will never make the mistake again! I will always quarantine and treat my new fish! Even my corals I always dip when they come in...

the only things that these stupid parasites could hitchhike on that I can't quarantine would be things like clams and shrimp and other inverts.... I can't possibly stick a clam or star fish etc. in a barebottom quarantine tank with no rocks/sand/proper lighting for them to live with, for upwards of 6-8 weeks for the parasite to die off Can't afford lights for a quarantine tank right now ugh its still such a scary thought that this parasite can be brought in on things other than fish! I know it can't affect my inverts or corals, but it can still hitchhike on them.... and sticking a clam or invert in a QT tank that has previously had copper in it to treat my fish? Another scary thought....

How DO you avoid these things? Any thoughts guys?
Patience is key in the hobby of reef keeping. All you can do is wait, and wait, rip your hair out, and then wait some more.
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