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Old 05-06-2004, 01:38 PM
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The plastic tank in the link isn't the one you want. It has a solid plastic cover with a plastic guard over the light and the screw that holds the plastic cover in place corrodes in a few months making it impossible to change the light. It also comes with a cr*ppy light which is hard to upgrade.

The tank you want is made of glass and has glass covers and a light strip that goes on top of the glass cover. The light strip can be retrofitted so you can have decent lighting on the tank.

I hope you can see the pic. Our server went down the other day and I am unsure if the pic will show up here. Let me know if you can't see the pic and I will see if I can fix it.

At any rate, the black tank on the left is the one you want. The blue tank on the right is a 2.5g. It is from the same manufacturer as the 5g you are looking to buy and is not the tank you want.

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Old 05-06-2004, 01:53 PM
Mother Reefer Mother Reefer is offline
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Beautiful Beverly thanks for the pics. Who's the manufacturer? How many gal is the black one? (5?)

I have a reptile tank (10gal) that is a nice tank (shallow & long) I'm thinking of using. I'm sure I'll have to re-inforce the seams (have to look up what sealant) anyone ever use one?

Would this be a decent enough setup/light for softies?
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Old 05-06-2004, 02:26 PM
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The black one is 7g, manufactured by All-Glass. When I bought it, about a year ago, they were in most of the lfs. Shouldn't be too hard to find. Still see them around here.

Here's my webpage for the 7g:

For the 2.5g:

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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Old 05-06-2004, 07:28 PM
Mother Reefer Mother Reefer is offline
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Those are beautiful Beverly. I have a few questions if you don't mind. You said
Filtration: one AquaClear Mini with flow rate at high
media holder removed and one full and one quarter Mini foams have been placed in the media chamber to facilitate heater

media holder removed and one full and one quarter Mini foams have been placed in the media chamber to facilitate heater
foam placed over Mini intake to prevent fry from being sucked into the filtration system
I'm a little lost on the Mini foams, what are they and where do you get them & I have filter media (from a couple)from FW systems, are those the ones you're talking about? you don't run the carbon packets in it, you run the mini-foams? I'm sorry for all the questions I'm trying to picture this.
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Old 05-06-2004, 08:43 PM
JTrigger JTrigger is offline
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For the 7 gal AGA MB setup, I bought the aquarium itself at King Ed's in Burnaby, but you can get it cheaper now at J&L ($65 I think). For the retrofit CSL, I scored one from King Ed's... I saw one there last time I was there a couple weeks ago as well. They're hard to find here in Canada as CSL is now pretty much nonexistant so they stopped producing them.

I got most of my setup info from:

I can post a pic of my setup later if anyone's interested. Gotta take some pix.

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Old 05-06-2004, 09:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Mother Reefer
I'm a little lost on the Mini foams, what are they and where do you get them & I have filter media (from a couple)from FW systems, are those the ones you're talking about? you don't run the carbon packets in it, you run the mini-foams? I'm sorry for all the questions I'm trying to picture this.
I ran AquaClear Minis, hang-on-back filtration systems often used for fw, on both the 2.5g and the 7g. Mini foams are the foams designed to go into the media basket which fits neatly into the media chamber of the AC Mini. To allow room for the heater to go into the media chamber, we pulled the media basket and stuffed foam around the heater with the Mini foams. My husband also cut a hole in the removable plastic top of the filtration system with a Dremel.

Here's a pic of what the tanks look like from the back. You can see the heaters sticking out of the AC Minis, more so on the 2.5g:

Mini foams can be bought at the chain lfs in packs of 3 (cheaper than buying them singly). We usually buy ours at Superpet.

Hope that gives you a better idea of what we used

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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Old 05-06-2004, 11:15 PM
Mother Reefer Mother Reefer is offline
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I understand but the FW filtration I have doesn't use foam pieces they use those plastic/carbon/filter thingies. Are they interchangeable? If you don't mind one more question what is the name/brandname on the foam?

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Old 05-07-2004, 12:22 AM
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The foams are AquaClear Mini foams made to be used with an AquaClear Mini filtration system. I have no idea if these foams are interchangeable with stuff in the filtration system you are currently using.

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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Old 05-07-2004, 01:06 AM
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Here's a question about the heaters Bev. Especially in the 2.5, the thermostat part of the heater is well out of the water. It looks to me like the heater will be adjusting itself according to the room temperature rather than the water temperature. Does that not give you a problem.
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Old 05-07-2004, 02:03 AM
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The thermostat part of all my heaters are out of the water. Doesn't seem to bother anything. Tank temps are what I set the heaters to be.

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