Originally Posted by abcha0s
You've inspired me. I'm officially on a mission to bring my tank back from the brink of destruction.
On a side note, I somehow landed on this post
"I am actually liking this skimmer now. For the first year that I had this skimmer it was nothing but headaches. It would blow its skimmer cup often and I could not figure out why. I came so close to throwing it into the recycling bin so many times! After about a year it started to settle down and hasn't blown its load in quite a while. I think it just needed an insanely long break in period LOL. Anyway.. I won't be replacing this skimmer any time soon. I'm in love with it again." - Kien
My skimmer was the same. My Tunze Master DOC Skimmer took about a year to break in?! I'm loving it now, but I would have replaced it if an opportunity had presented itself.
- Brad
Hey brad! Good to hear from you again! Ya, this hobby isn't for the faint of heart, that's for sure LOL. The first time I had a coral melt down I had no clue as to why. This time around I knew exactly why. It was a series of unfortunate events.. Doser pump failed, reactor pump failed, biopellet reactor BROKE! Our central AC broke as well an we didn't have AC during the TWO heat waves we had earlier this year. We had home renos, vacations, yard work. I was sure someone was trying to tell me something. It was so demoralizing. I didn't even want to look into the tank for weeks. Came so close to packing it all in on a few occasions.
However, when I finally cleaned my glass and peered in to see my (more or less) happy fish I realized that I could never leave this hobby LOL. For the record I did feed the fish and clean the skimmer cup on a regular basis! The skimmer is likely what saved the fish and my interest in the hobby. It skimmed like a champ ! And ya, your skimmer experience sounds exactly like mine. From zero to hero!