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Old 10-30-2012, 07:29 PM
martinmcnally martinmcnally is offline
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All of our mainstay Ecoxotic items back in stock today

Panorama Pro:
Blue: In Stock
12K White & Blue: In Stock
12K White: In Stock
Blue / Magenta: In Stock
RGB Module: In Stock
RGB Controller: In Stock

Stunner Strips:
Magenta & Blue (12, 24, 36 ,48 inch): In Stock
Royal Blue (12, 24, 36 inch): In Stock
Royal Blue & 12000K (12 inch): In Stock
Magenta (12 inch): In Stock
Magenta & 12000K White (12 inch): In Stock
Ultraviolet (12 inch): In Stock
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Old 10-30-2012, 07:36 PM
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wow some one could run 5 of those on a tank would that be enough light Martin.

a cheap 350 bucks and you have leds like on the RED MAX 250
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
Old 10-30-2012, 07:52 PM
martinmcnally martinmcnally is offline
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If your going RSM 250 I would go with 6 of them, just because that would fit nicely and you would have 2 per foot. Also that way you can run 3 from one power supply and 3 from another.
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Old 11-30-2012, 01:41 PM
kaboom kaboom is offline
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Hi Martin,
What wattage are these LED and what do they run at?
I am seeing info that states they are 12 x 1W LED's, and then I see the power comsumption of 19W. Can you clarify.

I have a 25g nano and want to add one RGB strip to enhance color to exiting light. Is this all I need?
1 RGB strip
1 12w power supply
1 RGB Controller

Does it have settings to automatically turn on/off at specific times?
Does it have settings to automatically to controll fades (dusk to dawn affect) at specific times?
How does it connect to the RGB module?
Old 11-30-2012, 09:41 PM
martinmcnally martinmcnally is offline
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Originally Posted by kaboom View Post
Hi Martin,
What wattage are these LED and what do they run at?
I am seeing info that states they are 12 x 1W LED's, and then I see the power comsumption of 19W. Can you clarify.

I have a 25g nano and want to add one RGB strip to enhance color to exiting light. Is this all I need?
1 RGB strip
1 12w power supply
1 RGB Controller

Does it have settings to automatically turn on/off at specific times?
Does it have settings to automatically to controll fades (dusk to dawn affect) at specific times?
How does it connect to the RGB module?
Power consumption of the RGB module is 16watts. You can control the color but there is no timer to ability to automatically control fades. The remote connects to the module using infrared.

Full details here:
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Old 12-06-2012, 12:13 AM
martinmcnally martinmcnally is offline
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Check out this awesome BioCube from one of our customers lit with 3 Panorama Pros
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Old 12-06-2012, 12:33 AM
NIVLEM09 NIVLEM09 is offline
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Default here is my 33 gallon tank also lit by 2 12k/445nm blue,1 445nm blue and 2 12" blue/magenta stunners from Modular led,of course

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